Monday 18 January 2021

Handsome visitor and knee update!

Over the last couple of days we have had a black and white cat visit. I did mention him before. Our cats tolerate him so no ferocious hissing and growling like we have when the cat Milo from next door makes an appearance! This one looks well fed so we have resisted giving into his mewing and him sitting on the back steps!
Eight weeks now since I had the surgery. Today both knees have been quite painful, but on the whole the operation leg is less numb and I can now walk up the stairs ‘properly’ albeit still a bit painful. As yet I still have to go down stairs a step at a time, but both knees are not happy with me attempting it! I can use the foot pedal gadget now, managed ten minutes earlier so that should help. Nights are better with the legs but I still have the Carpel Tunnel problem so spend a lot of time in the night hanging one or other hand over the side to reduce the numbness! But being able to lie in bed comfortably is a real bonus.
Today is World Day of the Snowman, so sat and did another decorated letter! Apparently the number eight represents the snowman and the number one the stick! On a more serious note it is of course also Martin Luther King Jr. day.
I had a couple of short walks into the town today, the first one to get some items that were on offer in one of the local shops and the second time to post a letter for Tina and go along to the pet shop to get a couple of bird feeders for the trees. The garden isn’t looking too bad at all but no sign of snowdrops yet. This photo from this time last year had them already to flower.
When I was putting the fox food out I took a couple of pictures of the church again.

Will add a word, not too many left for this month now.
Lignicide (n.): A lumberjack; woodcutter.


  1. Don’t feed it, you’ll never get rid of it! 😊
    One of these days you’ll have all your bits fully working and then you’ll be bored with full nights sleep and 10 mile walks! Well you never know......
    Two days for the price of one today. Snowman day is a fun one. Love your drawing, it looks great with the scroll.
    I like to see the snowdrops. What with the supposed global warming you’d think they’d be ready to go now. Probably washed away with all the rain!
    The church does make a perfect foreground for a nice sky, and all from your own garden. You’re lucky.
    Never heard that word, it’s an odd one. You’ve had some good ones.

    1. Everything in working order, sound like a very tall order to me!
      The calendar is even making me want to illustrate the blog, well, now and again anyway!
      There are bulbs showing in the gardens but not very advance yet.
      Loving the different words, a pity I won’t remember many!
