Friday 29 January 2021

Freethinkers Day

Love this day, try to be a bit of a free thinker myself! It falls on the birthday of Thomas Paine, a prominent thinker whose work and publications promoting the philosophy of Enlightenment heavily influenced the course of the American and French revolutions. On a less high brow note it is also National Carnation Day! I did a quick sketch which I will make it a card for somebody.
It hasn’t been quite so cold today and the rain stayed away for most of it. Some spells of sunshine and some overcast. Tina and ai drove to Morrow 
Avenue car park and walked along the front almost to the leisure centre then had refreshment before walking back! Work going on at the beach, we couldn’t fathom what they were doing!

Those were taken with the phone, I had taken the camera today in case we spotted a kestrel, we didn’t, but took some with it anyway!

Didn’t take this one!
We had a couple of winter clematis delivered about a week ago, as it was dry and not so cold I got them into a nice pot today. They are small and we won’t get the benefit of them flowering until next winter.
This afternoon I sewed up two more columns of the quilt design and after pressing attached them to the tow I did yesterday. Looking pretty funky!
I do love the batik fabrics.
Feet up and a  bit of tv tonight I think.


  1. I don’t think thinking is my thing....see what I did there 😊 Forgetting is more my thing these days!
    I like the carnation. It’s good that you can use things like that on cards. More reason to do them.
    Glad you got out for a little trip again today, specially as we saw a bit of sunshine here and there. Lots of pics tonight. Spoiled for choice with cameras today!
    I can’t think what they were doing on the beach. Looks like they might be laying a foundation for something. A few people about today I see, but not exactly crowded. I wonder if the hoards will be able to make it back there this year? Hope you were social distancing with that gull 😊
    The quilt is coming along in leaps and bounds. Looks so good. It’s a hell of a lot of bits to sew together though!
    Enjoy your evening.

    1. Has felt like quite a full day, have two more columns to sew for the quilt top, attaching them becomes more difficult as the weight increases. Need to order wadding and fabric for the back. No rush as new trade rules are delaying the arrival of the new machine from Europe!
      Quite a few people around at the sea front, but I have to say that everyone is very considerate and keep their distance.
