Tuesday 12 January 2021

Miss Marple has arrived!

I am reading the Miss Marple novel ‘The Moving Finger’. Very enjoyable but I was beginning to wonder if it was actually a Miss Marple novel! There are only fifteen chapters in the book and she eventually appeared in chapter ten! She has a lot of catching up to do as there is a lot of skulduggery afoot!
There a two special days today, Work Harder Day and this one suits me fine, National Hot Tea Day! I will do my best.
I haven’t been out walking very far for a few days but today I had a package to post and set off for the post office. I had the fold up stick with me, and my phone of course. But managed to get there and back without needing either, albeit pretty slowly.
I took a few photos of the temporary pond in the park as the light and reflections were lovely today. One of the deserted play park as well.

I went out into the garden for a short while and cleared the path where I put the fox food and collected up some of the branches up that were littering the garden. Making a nice pile now so Tina has a good supply when she goes out and uses the incinerator which she really enjoys. Then I made a drink and took a blanket and my book down to the summer house for a bit. Both the cats were in and out and a black and white visiting cat was around but didn’t come in shot for a picture. We think it is a male as both our cats seem to tolerate him.

Sat and did a crossword with Tina, and have done a bit more to the jigsaw, so a pleasant day. Getting really cold again now though.
Today’s obscure word:
Philobiblist (noun.) One who truly loves books and literature.


  1. She had to get there in the end. Shows you how good she is, she only needs five chapters to solve it 😊
    Well I’ve worked hard mentally today, definitely not physically though. Not had a single cup of tea either, only coffee.
    The light was nice on the trees in the park. I really like the first one, and the second one has a lovely blue sky and everywhere is verdant. A good day for a slow walk I think.
    Glad you’re making use of the summerhouse again, although I’m not sure you’re allowed this season! It might be a bit chilly out there, but it’s nice to sit somewhere different to have a cuppa and a read. Change is as good as a rest as they say. All in all you seem to have had a nice day.
    I think you’re a Philobiblist.
    I’m looking forward to the drama again this evening.

    1. A very good day for a slow walk, hopefully before too long there will be good days for a brisk walk!
      Very lovely winter light today and not quite as cold as it has been.
      Best read a bit more and see how quickly Miss Marple finds the culprit!
      I have had quite a lot of tea today!
