Sunday 17 January 2021

Popeye Day!

Always something new and different on the calendar! Popeye first appeared in a comic strip called ‘Thimble Theatre’ on January 17th 1929! The strip had been going for a while but firstly featured Olive Oyl.
I ordered a new top a while ago, it arrived yesterday. Very light weight but will be lovely in the spring /summer.
A lovely morning today so I went out into the garden with the idea of cutting back the pampas grasses and removing some of the leaves on that bed. There are pampas grasses by the sea front and they have been cut back now. I have never had pampas grass and didn’t realise how sharp the leaves were until I was bleeding! A lot of leaves too, I have filled the garden bin! Looks a bit tidier now though.

I did start some cutting of shapes for the quilt but soon managed to cut one wrong! There is no leeway, there is just enough material in each fat quarter for the six trapeziums required! Hopefully I can use the interfacing to fix two small pieces together and make the final piece, if not will have to see if I have any material that will fit in with the rest! Needless to say I packed everything away then before having any more disasters!
Have done a bit of reading and cooked dinner, now relaxing and will enjoy the Pottery Throw Down in a bit.
Like this word, quite possibly still in use, but not by me!
Melodist (n.) : One who composes and/or sings melodies.


  1. Popeye day is a good one.
    I like your new top. Very smart and very Jan. Just need some nice weather to go with it now.
    I didn’t know pampas had sharp edges. Hope you didn’t get sliced up too much. The bed does look a lot tidier though and the pampas looks a shadow of its previous self 😊
    Oops, not good cutting one wrong, but easy to do. I’m sure you’ll rescue the piece, and all will be well. Good idea packing up for the day. Think I would have done too, after a few choice words that is!
    Very appropriate word, but not one I’ve ever heard before.
    Throw Down is good as usual.

    1. Hopefully I can patch the material up fit for use, if not I will find a way round it! But if I make too many more mistakes I may go off the whole idea!
      I am enjoying getting a bit of gardening done, I think it will be in much better shape this spring than it has been before.
      The top caught my eye, came up when I was looking at something else.
      The potters do. Some amazing stuff.
