Monday 25 January 2021

No Oops moments today!

Two special days today, Virginia Woolf Day and Women’s Health Research Day. No pictures or extra information today. The sky was a little less boring today, the one through the trees doesn’t give quite the glowing effect that I could see!

A while ago I sent for two odd looking scrapers for Darren and Tina to use on the car when it is frosty. A shot of Tina using it although the ice was melting by then but she did try it on the ice on the bench and it seemed to work quite well.
My knees have both been less that happy today. So apart from a short walk to the chemist I have stayed indoors and spent a lot of the day at the sewing machine. I unpicked and re assembled the half blocks that I managed to sew wrongly yesterday! Here are two of them placed together to show it is now correct!
I have now assembled all but six of the half blocks. I laid a few of them out on the bed to give an idea of the design. Still a lot to do but it should be quite jazzy!
I will finish with a word, well two actually today!
Savoir Vivre (np.): Knowledge of the ways of fashionable society, and of how to live elegantly.


  1. Think both those days are self explanatory. Neither of them quite as obscure as some you’ve had lately.
    Lovely colour in the sky. I think when you take the pic through the tree, the camera sometimes over exposes a bit to lighten up the shadows which brightens the sky too and washes it out.
    I thought the Rev was using a funnel to clear the ice when I first looked at the pic ๐Ÿ˜Š She’d have needed more than that here this morning. I saw several people scraping their windows and they were using way more effort!
    Sorry the knees are giving you grief. You’d have thought by now everything would have been on the up. You’ll get there one day.
    The quilt is looking great, makes such a difference when all the bits are sewn the right way round ๐Ÿ˜€
    Very posh words tonight. Needless to say I’ve never heard of it, it’s above my station I think!

    1. It will be interesting to see if the funnel shaped scraper will work in a heavy frost.
      I have enjoyed plodding on with the quilt today, quite a lot to do, need to decide on a layout and find a way of marking the pieces so that I don’t get all the bits in the wrong places!
      Yes, very up market words tonight!
