Wednesday 6 January 2021

Cuddle up Day and National Take a Poet to Lunch Day

Cuddle up day in international and cuddling up with pets can be as effective as with people. National Take a Poet to Lunch day is observed in schools and by publishers in the USA but I think it is a fun one. My sister likes to write a bit of poetry, would be lovely if I could take her out to lunch!
I did a little purfling last night, just one that I will send to a friend in Kent who is in hospital at the moment. I may do some more later but I may get distracted by reading, more of that later.
A nice sky again this morning, one colourful picture and one of trees and clouds which caught my eye.

I wanted to send a card to the friend in hospital so went for a walk along Newbegin and posted it off. Walked a little further and then back again and called in the greengrocer before getting home.
Quite a while ago, maybe before the surgery I bought some fritillary bulbs and was going to plant them in two troughs that Tina had in church for people to put candles in. The little troughs have been in the laundry room now for quite a while, needed the holes punching into the bases and then sorting out. Now that I am more mobile and not reliant on the sticks I thought it was time to get them planted. I managed to do the holes with a screwdriver and hammer, the plastic did not split, so that saved me messing about with the drill.
Then some gravel into the base for drainage and compost. I put the fritillaries in one trough and some freesia bulbs in the other. Then some more compost and three viola plants in each one. The bulbs will find their way through!

So, a bit of gardening, sort of! Had a delivery of suet pellets for the birds so got that down into the greenhouse and put the fox food out at the same time.we had some hail just before I went out!
I think I have killed off the coffee trees in the greenhouse, but one of them looks really lovely, I may cut some of the leaves off tomorrow and press them.
My friend in Peterborough sent my Christmas gifts as it had become obvious that I would not be seeing her in January as we had hoped. One of the gifts is a great felting kit.
My second hand omnibus book of Miss Marple novels arrived today, that is why I may get distracted from the purfling as I have already started on the first one.
I will add another obscure word tomorrow, there are not enough to have one every day.


  1. National take a poet to lunch day. I’ve heard it all now! But as you say it’d be really nice to take a poet to lunch at the moment, even I would 😊
    I really like the latest letter. The colours in it are great. I think that’ll be appreciated. You are clever.
    The skies from this morning are nice. We didn’t really get much to look at down here apart from about half an hour this afternoon.
    OMG bulbs! You must have had withdrawal symptoms from not digging them up or planting then recently! Looks like you had a fix that should last you for a little while. Don’t go mad at gardening though. The troughs do look nice though. Not sure you should lifting them about though.
    Considering it’s dead, the coffee plant makes a nice pic. It’s done well over the years though.
    The wren will be a nice thing to make. I’m looking at the felted squirrel you made for me ages ago. It sits on my mantelpiece all the time.
    Glad your book turned up, you’ll be too busy with that to be tempted back into the garden. The Moving Finger sounds a good one 😊

  2. A long comment tonight, won’t make mine too long as it is a bit frustrating when it disappears!
    Yes bulbs, shame not to have got them in somewhere though!
    I gave my felting stuff to one of the girls at the craft outlet before it closed, but this kit has everything you need to make the wren providing you are sensible and don’t break the needles, or stab yourself for that matter!
    I really like the writing style in the books, so should be enjoyable. Hi

  3. Don’t know how I managed to get a Hi on the end of that, but at least it published!

  4. Showing off tonight, two posts! Making up for when it gives you hassle 😊
