Thursday 14 January 2021

Caesarean Section Day

This day is  observed in the USA, it commemorates the first successful Caesarean section performed in the USA on January 14th 1794, bu Dr. Jesse Bennett. A very silky procedure back then.
The weather has been cold damp and miserable today but apart from a brief shower of hail it has been drizzly rain most of the day. I went along to the post box for a change and called in the Coop for milk and pitta bread!
I sometimes wish I didn’t start things that end up with me thinking ‘it seemed like a good idea at the time!’ I got a pattern, the various materials and a special cutting guide when I was in America a few years back. It is for a lap quilt and something has always stopped me actually starting it!
To start with you cut ninety, yes ninety of the triangles. The material was shredding badly and the new rotary cutter did not like it at all. I started with four layers to cut them out a bit quicker but had to have just two and it really did seem like an uphill challenge!
Then, from the fifteen fat qu artery of different materials you have to cut six trapeziums from each. That triangle cutting guide is quite a clever piece of kit! A picture of the first six, I have done one more set since.
Onto Pandora for a bit, today she had a try out of the small basket that Blue spent hours in yesterday! A bit later Blue was back in it!
Then when I was hanging some washing up she settled on my now redundant huge pillow!
Away from the sewing I did finish the jigsaw puzzle today as well as reading some more of my book. I am getting quite addicted to Miss Marple novels!
I enjoyed that jigsaw, such pleasing colours.
Will add another obscure word tomorrow.


  1. Well that’s a day I never would have guessed. Actually I doubt I’d have guessed many of them!
    It’s been a miserable day here too, but at least you ventured out in it which is more than I’ve done.
    The quilt looks very nice on the picture, and I’m sure yours will turn out just as nice, but what a lot of work there is to it! So many bits to cut out, and you’ve still got to sew them altogether yet, plus all the other layers you add. Even though I think you’re mad, I’m still looking forward to seeing the finished article. Assuming it doesn’t end up out the window 😊
    I suppose Pandora had to go in the tiny basket just to show Blue she could. She has so many places to settle down in the house, including your lap a lot of the time. Spoiled, definitely.
    I see the final outside piece turned up in the end. They always seem to. Very colourful that one.

    1. I am sure the quilt will be fine if it ever gets finished, I may try and cut the rest of the shapes tomorrow.
      I will break the puzzle up, but may keep it and do it again at a later date!
      I know that I only really get fussed by Pandora as she knows I will feed her first thing and last thing, I can pretend she loves me though!
