Thursday 28 January 2021

National Daisy Day

No explanation needed for today’s special day, just enjoy the lovely picture I found!
It has rained pretty much all of the day today, I went out fairly early to visit the post box (for a change) and get some rolls in for lunch. I bought myself some reduced flowers today as I haven’t had any for a while.
This morning I did a bit of unpicking of the quilt pieces and reassemble them and got to columns ready to sew together, thinking they would not be a success. After lunch Tina suggested we went out for a bit and despite the weather we went up to Mappleton. As we drove in we saw a kestrel, it was around for a little while but went off without getting any lunch! I only had the phone with me which has very little zoom. Took his picture and tried to crop it but really it was too far away!
We walked down the steep slope again to the beach and went onto the beach this time, I zigzagged down the slope this time so a little less pressure on the knees. First picture was from the car park.

We called in at Pound Stretcher on the way home, the only other store open is the cycle hire place!
I got the two columns of pieces ironed and sewn together, then pressed that seam. It actually looks a lot better that I had thought but six more columns to sew together and then attach yet!
No mad rush, it is better to do a bit at a time.
Will soon have some new obscure words which will be good.


  1. That’s a cracking pic. You should have lied and said it was one of yours 😊
    Nice flowers. Bet they smell good.
    The pic of the kestrel isn’t bad considering it’s taken on a phone. At least it’s not just a big blurry blob that looks like a squashed fly on the lens, as that’s what most people would end up with!
    That is a long way down to that beach. Worth it though . The rocks are lovely. Great for some nice close ups on a day with a bit of sunshine. Hope the fisherman caught something for his tea.
    The Rev looks as though she’s ready to go home. A bit chilly I’m guessing. Nice to get out for a little ride. Makes a change from just going to see the postbox 😊
    The quilt looks great. Can’t imagine why you thought it wouldn’t! It’s going to look even better when it’s fully finished. As you you say, no rush.

    1. It was to get some rally fresh air even on a pretty miserable day weather wise.
      That daisy picture was the one that jumped out at me and I looked through loads!
      The quilt pattern was a bit daunting to start with but it is worth the effort.
      It was a bonus seeing the kestrel as we arrived at the car park.
