Friday 22 January 2021

National Polka Dot Day

The day has been going for some time but in 2016 it also became a day to commemorate the ultimate polka dot girl, Minnie Mouse!

A lovely day today, a bit frosty when I went out to feed the birds, but already bright and sunny. I made a small flask and set off to walk to the sea front and wander a long a bit further as well. Walked part of the way with Sarah and David who were also setting out for a walk. We were all masked but managed to chat a bit as we made our way there. I walked on a bit further when they headed home. The tide was in and quite lively, told a good few photos, have edited the amount. They don’t really need explanation. Before those will post one of a pretty little winter aconite which has appeared in the garden.

I mentioned I had sent for a couple of second hand books yesterday, both with ideas and patterns for bags in. On looking at them ai realise there are a lot of new skills I need to learn to make really good bags. Not exactly put me off but may stick with quilts for now!
I have had rather a trying afternoon but got a bit of quilt assembly done in the bed, I had been using the same thread and spool for a wile and all of a sudden the machine was eating my material, dragging it down between the teeth. Annoying at any time, but as I have no spare material to replace any damaged pieces it was a little frustrating.  I had the bottomed plate off, cleaned and checked nothing was caught, still not sewing correctly. Put a new spool in, same result, changed the needle, same result, looked inside again and was mystified, got the manual out and was reading though the list of possible causes, one was that the machine wasn’t threaded properly. I had used the same reel for the table runner and for the piecing on this one so couldn’t see how the machine was suddenly not threaded properly, but took the thread out and re threaded it. Working fine again now! So have now sewn just over half of the triangles to a trapezium and have pressed the seams open, will try and get the rest of the first step done tomorrow.
Have packed it all away for tonight, feeling weary now, have done over 10,000 steps, only the third time since the surgery!


  1. Polka Dot Day. That’s a good one, specially with Minnie involved too.
    Nice to get out this morning, even I managed to and enjoyed it. I never get tired of seeing the pics of the beach and the sea, specially when it’s a bit rough. No two days are the same. You can never have too many pics either 😊 That’s a lot of steps you clocked up. I hope the legs don’t pay you back for it later!
    I like the pics of the bags on the new books. The one on the left looks a bit complex but once you put your mind to it you’ll be turning them out easily. That is if this machine lasts out long enough until the new one arrives. It’s very annoying when you get a problem like that and nothing seems to fix it. But you persevered as you usually do and got there in the end. That’s a fair pile of pieces you managed to get sewn up too. So, or sew, another productive day for you. Bet you’re knackered? 😊

    1. It was a beautiful day and not such a cold wind as the last few days, I liked the pics of the sea, looks quite summery!
      The books have some good patterns in, but quite complex so will have a think about it!
      I am sure the machine will behave tomorrow.
      Pleased with the steps and feel okay at the moment.
