Tuesday 26 January 2021

Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement

I found the write up about today’s special day really interesting and quite uplifting, but more of that in a bit. This morning I went out fairly early to feed the birds, the sky wasn’t colourful but the light was clear, a lovely winter morning. Will post three pictures as although I said it wasn’t colourful I liked the purple tint.

Will go back to the special day now and will actually quote a longish piece, but the history is even more interesting, worth a look up if you are inclined.
‘Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement comes from the legend of Toad Hollow which is rooted in an 1800’s school house in Kalamazoo, Michigan and the stories told by Ralph C. Morrison. Though Morrison said that Toad Hollow cannot be found on a map, but rather, it’s found in your heart. This is a day to give encouragement and support to others (people you like, and even those you don’t not.)
To more mundane things Paul came round today to fix the side gate which has been jammed for a while and is rotting as well as swollen! He got on well but couldn’t paint the replaced wood today as the rain set in as he was finishing,
Darren and Tina were both in on line meetings today and as delivers and Paul were expected to arrive I spent the afternoon downstairs, unpacking bird and cat food and making tea for the workers! I have managed to sew together and press the rest of the half blocks for the quilt so that I can think about the layout.
I did walk down Newbegin this morning, but that was enough as both of my knees are unhappy, I am just hoping that the right one hasn’t decided to give up the ghost so to speak!
I will finish with some photos from a year ago, we haven’t seen Philip the pheasant for months now but he was entertaining when he was visiting.

He stood his ground and saw the seagull off!


  1. That’s quite a nice morning sky. Any colour in a sky is nice. So much better than bland, cloudy, miserable weather.
    That is interesting about Toad Hollow. The quilt is going really well, you CAN get it finished. How’s that for encouragement? 😊
    Looks like he’s made a very good job of the gate. Should last a fair bit longer now, and be a bit easier to open. Think he deserved the cups of tea you made. Did you supply cake too?
    No mention of any mistakes in the sewing today, so that’s a good sign. I look forward to seeing the layout when you find room for it.
    Really sorry to hear that both knees are giving you hassle, but look on the bright side, it won’t give up completely it’ll get easier in time. (More encouragement. I’m getting good at this)
    I remember Philip the pheasant. Hopefully he’s settled down somewhere nice and hasn’t been chased around by a farmer with a gun!

    1. Bit of a strange day, feet up this evening and hoping things will calm down, ever the optimist!
      Paul is a very friendly, local guy, good to be able to find somebody local who does a good job at a reasonable price.
      No mistakes today with the sewing, such bold colours, will be quite a challenge getting them in the right place to complement each other.
      Really hope Philip is okay, nice to think he found a hen pheasant and they are happy somewhere and not in a pie!
