Thursday 7 January 2021

National Bobblehead Day!

Only in America would there be a National Bobblehead Day, apparently these sprung bobbleheads have been around for over a hundred years! Back to planet Earth it was very icy this morning so I fed the birds very carefully, had to just put some fresh water on the solid ice in the bird baths! Tina and I decided to take a trip to Lidl near Beverley so I made a couple of flasks (Tina has her coffee much stronger than me!) Tina scraped the car windows while I made sure the back door was locked. I couldn’t see the roof of the car but Tina took this amazing picture.
I have gone out of sync but did do another decorated letter last night, so more purfling!
Back to today, Tina parked the car so that we could see Beverley Minster while we had our coffee in the car.
On the way back we stopped at Hornsea Garden Centre and got a couple of trays for the troughs I planted yesterday and some fat balls for the birds. Nice icy surfaces as we went in.
The garden centre cleverly have a mobile food van in the car park so we had a bacon roll before we came home!
This afternoon I took a walk down to the sea front, went to a different spot so slightly different snaps!

Then a couple of sky shots.

When I got home I went out to put the fox food down. I have been going out earlier to avoid the dark and ice but today I realised that the foxes may be going hungry as two seagulls came down and started eating it! So back to going out a bit later when the gulls have gone to bed!!
Let’s finish with an obscure word.
Decoct: (v) To concentrate or extract flavour by simmering.


  1. Bet they’ll make a booblehead out of Trump, although I would think there already is one! Don’t think it needs a national day though 😊
    I was trying to work out what that pic was before I read it. You’d never guess it was a car roof. Great pic Rev.
    That’s an unusual pic of the minster, but I really like it. The nice blue sky helps no end. If you’re going to stop for a flask picnic, then it’s a brilliant spot. A nice little trip out for you both, and even the birds got a present 😊 You can’t beat a bacon butty in a car park. It always tastes better than at home. It’s a fact of life.
    Great pics from your trip out this afternoon too. There’s some real crackers in there. Great light on the beach. The last pic tonight is my favourite of them all.
    Be careful out in that garden this weather. It could get very slippy very quickly.
    Never knew that reducing stock had its own word. I’ll try to remember that.

  2. That is a great picture of the roof of the car. Remember the days when we had Jack Frost patterns on the inside of our bedroom windows? Those were the days!
    A good clear day for picture taking and nice to have the drink with such an attractive view. First time I have been to a big supermarket in quite a while!

  3. I remember the frost on the inside of the windows very well. The toilet cistern frozen solid too. The good old days when you didn’t want to get out of that warm bath into the freezing cold to get dry before the water froze on you 😊
