Tuesday 1 October 2019

What a difference a day makes!

This morning I went to the shop at about 8.45 am, will make a mental note not to do that again, a queue of ladies waiting to use the coffee machine, an equally long queue for the checkout and screeching children to add to the mix! I was there too early for the fresh bread too.......I pottered this morning doing some long over due tidying and sorting in the bedroom and then made an early lunch as Tina was out soon after twelve. I wanted to pay some coins in at the post office so walked down, it was damp and really cold, and I really don’t have much luck going there, I arrived as it closed for lunch! So I walked up to the sea, had a hot chocolate and took some very different sea pictures, real wintry looking shots today.

One of the nice carving by the paddling pool, and another shot of the sea. I have always thought that paddling area was an accident waiting to happen, but it seems to get by with no trouble.

I have done more sorting this afternoon and feel like I have made a bit of headway, I do have breaks as I am addicted to a word game on my phone!
I started a jigsaw a while back and have just begun to do a bit again. Have also tried just ten minutes on the exercise bike, so will see if that makes my legs worse again!


  1. Fancy going out early with all the riffraff! You should stay in the house until at least 10am if you want to mix with the sensible people 😊 Screaming kids....nightmare! I’d certainly give up with that post office too. You’re not really destined to use it! At least you got a hot chocolate out of it and a view of a very cold looking sea.
    That jigsaw looks very familiar. I’m sure I’ve seen that one done before. Maybe it’s one you’ve had for a very long time, or it was one we looked at together when you were into doing them when you were in Welland. Or I’m just dreaming it all 😊
    Hope you don’t suffer for getting back on the bike again.

  2. It was very cold by the sea, quite a wind too.
    I think I may have done a similar jigsaw, got this one at the boot sale a few weeks back.
    Will do a bit more after Holby.
