Monday 14 October 2019

Funky fungi

It has been pretty wet lately and the front garden does get saturated. The lawn is now sprouting toadstools, quite impressive too. Some look like mushrooms but best not chance it!

I walked to the Floral Hall to have a coffee with Sarah and David before they went to the keep fit class. Went via the sea so had to take pictures!

A magpie has started coming into the garden, I am hoping he might be a regular visitor now. He even went into the bird bath! I only had the phone downstairs so even on its zoom the photos are pretty distant. Maybe he will come again when I have the camera handy!

Went to see Sarah for a bit this evening, raining hard now so probably be more fungi tomorrow!


  1. Fungi are great for photos. They make for great close up shots too. Wish I had a few like that in my garden. Handy for pic taking and to feed to certain people 😊
    I think I’d find it hard to walk down the beach at any time and not be tempted to take some pics. You’ve even got people in them tonight. You usually manage to make them look deserted!
    Your lawn looks very green. Surprising what a little, or lot of rain does. Think you need one of those leaf collectors that you push along like a mower. Raking all those must be a nightmare!

  2. Fairly quiet day and no gardening, getting a bit boggy out there now,
    Was great seeing the fungi, get some pics before the lawn is mowed again.
