Thursday 17 October 2019

Quite a full day

I was out pretty early as I was on the queue outside the doctors surgery at about 8.15 am. I have never had another surgery that makes you wait outside, whatever the weather, until the appointments start! Saw a lovely doctor who took his time, asked lots of questions and examined my hands. He said the it is carpel tunnel and the options were medication or physio and possibly wrist splints. I said I would prefer not to go down the painkiller route so he gave me the number for the self referral physio department. He wants to see me in the month and says if that doesn’t work there are other options, injections or as a last resort surgery. I had a cuppa with Tina when I got home and phoned the physio, it is a telephone consultation first and made an appointment for the call this afternoon. Then I set off for the watercolour workshop, this week was cliffs and beaches, I found it interesting but also quite challenging, will make sure to get a lot of practice before the next session! We learnt about forming cliffs and rocks and then graded washes for sky and sand.after that we had a try at a picture. Will post them even though I am not overly happy with the results.

Tina was off today, although she had been working in the office and she has had a pretty tryout night week, so we went to Eastfield garden centre for lunch, we had a very nice meal then had a look round outside. This display area was colourful and attractive.
This plant was in the car park but we couldn’t find it in the plant area, we liked the red stems.
Tina decided to drive home a different way and we ended up at Burton Agnes house and gardens. We didn’t go in but had a drink and cake in the cafe. Took a picture of the house and the church.

I loved the lampshades in the cafe, made of paper and pretty big!
This was a little garden that we could see. I am hoping we will go there again as there are extensive grounds and the house with its treasures to explore.
I bought this mouse/rat made of recycled material, just because I thought it was cute and I don’t have enough clutter!
Had my physio phone call soon after I got home. Very pleasant lady who said that she thought I should go and buy some wrist splints as they don’t supply them anymore and there isn’t a lot of physio they can give me to help. There are three chemists in the town and I got some at the third attempt. Very expensive but it will be worth it if I can have pain free nights with the hands! The physio said she would keep my referral open for six weeks so that they can see me if the splints don’t help. I had a wander in the park on the way home and took the final picture of the day.


  1. I’ve had to stand outside the Mayors Walk surgery in the rain until they officially open, so it’s not just your surgery. They’re probably touting for business try to get people to catch pneumonia! Glad you got to see a nice doctor, and hopefully the splints will do the trick. Fingers crossed. At least you can go back to a proper bed tonight. It’ll seem like heaven 😊
    I think the paintings you’ve done today look great and I absolutely love the final result. I’d have that in a frame on the wall any day. You are way too hard on yourself!
    Seems like you had a good afternoon. Out for lunch, garden centres, tea and cakes......just how retirement should be 😊
    Lovely final pic too.

  2. Certainly will be a result if the hands are okay tonight, will be good to be back in the bed although the recliner has been a fair substitute.
    I suppose the painting does look like what it is supposed to be, mine is much darker that the examples but it does still work.
    It was cold this morning but a lovely afternoon which was a bonus.
