Sunday 6 October 2019

Spiders and jigsaw fever!

It has been horrible weather today, dark, wet and cold. Apart from going to the shop for groceries for dinner I have been in. Most of the day doing the jigsaw. 
When I was out yesterday I got a great spider brooch for £6 on a stall on the Prospect Centre. There were a few craft and other stalls which I had not seen before.
Spider brooches seem to be in fashion, a lady on Breakfast news had one on today! On the spider theme Tina said we had a guest on the wall downstairs. Don’t see the big house spiders much these days.
I left him alone, he wasn’t bothering anyone.
So apart from a picture of the jigsaw progress, that is about it. Going to watch the Strictly results now.
A good way to go yet!


  1. It has been a horrid day today, but it’s stopped you toiling in the garden, so not all bad 😊
    That’s a great brooch. I think the lady from the Supreme Court had really brought spiders back into fashion. You might find more on the market soon which will suit you down to the ground. I found a MASSIVE spider πŸ•·on my bathroom wall the other day. I caught it with a pint glass and a bit of paper, but the rim of the glass only just fitted over it! That no exaggeration either. They still make me shudder a bit!
    I see you’ve done all the easy bits of the jigsaw 😊

  2. Not sure that any of this jigsaw is easy, but will soon have lots of white which will be another challenge!
    Do love the brooch, Halloween is a good time for spider stuff!
