Tuesday 8 October 2019

Nice bugs!

Nice bugs indeed, but not a great day really. One of the hanging baskets, the one near the bonsai trees had come down, complete with its bracket! Luckily it broke the saucer of one of the trees but didn’t crush any of the trees. Plenty of crushed pansies though! On one of the little horse chestnuts I thought it was one of the shiny buds but realised it was a ladybird, so went and got the camera!
Tina and I were having a cup of tea when she spotted Blue over a pigeon in the garden. It was wounded and died in her hands. We don’t think Blue caught it as the damage it had looked to have been caused maybe by a bird of prey. The day wasn’t going too well at this point! I went to the shops and when I came home there was a poorly blackbird by the front door that obviously couldn’t fly. That did have a little damage on its tummy but seemed lively. We had it indoors I a box and then in a cat carrier, but sadly that died this afternoon. It did have food and water.
I did go in the garden for a bit this afternoon and was pretty pleased with this photo of a spider, taken on my phone!
Tina had ordered some cyclamen plants that do well in the shade so I planted them in front of Charlie’s resting place! Did a bit of other planting as well and weeding.
When I was putting the garden bin out the front bed in the garden looked absolutely lovely.
The varnish didn’t work on the jigsaw but this morning I coated it with the decoupage sealant and it is now stuck and I am able to pick it up, so pleased about that.


  1. Not a good day at all from the sounds of it. Hopefully a good nights sleep tonight and start afresh tomorrow! At least you got some plants into the ground, and the jigsaw worked out in the end, so not all was lost.
    The spider pic is a really good one. Not bad at all for a phone!
    The garden certainly does look lovely. But a lot of hard work has gone into it and the sign finishes it off a treat.

  2. Not the best day for sure, but feeling okay now if somewhat tired.
    May get out in the garden and do a bit more tomorrow.
    Those orange bushes are just a delight when the sun comes out.
