Saturday 5 October 2019

That’s better.

After yesterday today was a quiet affair so not a lot to write. When I was feeding the birds I took a picture of the two small lemon sunflowers that have appeared and the one pink cosmos plant that has appeared amongst the pack of white ones that I grew from seed.

I caught the bus into Hull this morning as I had an off on toiletries, also got some painting supplies for the watercolour workshop. I wasn’t in town that long and just looked for what I wanted and came home. My legs were a little troublesome after the exertions yesterday. I was dozing off on the bus on the way home!
This afternoon I went to see Sarah and David for a while and then did a bit to the jigsaw. Tina and I had fish and chips for tea, very enjoyable. A bit more jigsaw and now I am enjoying the start of Strictly.



  1. A very quiet day for you today. Think you were due one after yesterday. The plants look good, and those sunflowers look so tiny after seeing the huge one you have there.
    Not surprised your legs ached a bit today as they did get a fair bit of exercise yesterday.
    The jigsaw is coming along nicely. Good job you don’t get bored easily!
    Strictly is good tonight.

  2. I was ready for a quieter day for sure. Maybe I will be full of energy tomorrow.
    I am enjoying the jigsaw, itis a challenge but so different.
    Strictly is good tonight.
