Sunday 27 October 2019

Pumpkins and sea!

I spent the morning in the kitchen, well, a lot of the morning anyway. We had bought two culinary pumpkins when we went to the pumpkin farm, so thought I had better do something with them. I knew that Tina needs plenty of pumpkins for a pumpkins trail on Thursday so I scooped them out and even cut them rather than chop them open and get to the flesh that way. Not sure my wrists will ever recover but they are ready for her to use.
Making the pumpkin pie is a lot of messing about and I was not that impressed with the result. Not something I will be doing again in a hurry!

I caught the edge of the pastry with the mixture when it was going in the oven as I was trying to stop Pandora jumping up and burning herself!
When Darren and Tina returned I went out for a walk, I don’t like to leave the cats alone together in the house and the alternative is to lock one in a room which I don’t want to do more than necessary. The puddle in the car park probably shouldn’t be referred to as a puddle!
It was lovely and bright out, but quite a cold wind, and see definitely looked wintry.

I cut back through the park on the way home, more puddles, these look attractive though!
Getting dark when I got home and only around 5 pm.
Strictly results later, should be interesting.


  1. You made a cracking job of the pumpkins. It’s been a lot of years since I’ve done one, but I do remember them being pretty hard to scoop out. Hope you don’t suffer with the wrists and hands later. The design is unusual, but I actually quite like it. The pie looks ok, but having never had one I wouldn’t know about the taste. Bet the jam roll next to it is good though. Hope you had some cream 😊
    Having cats is worse than having kids to look after! Why can’t they just behave and get on! It does seems very unfair to have to lock one up, but if you’re there on your own it does put a damper on what you can do.
    The sea looks nice as always, even if it is a bit rough. All those negative ions in the air from it are supposed to be good for you, and it’s cheaper than buying and running an ioniser! Hope you felt refreshed and invigorated.
    Not sure who’ll go tonight, but sadly I think it should be Mike.

  2. The pumpkin trail is being run by the churches so they are putting their take on it, Halloween not being a too popular.
    Cats are a law unto themselves that’s why I gave up on them when I was alone years ago.
    The pumpkin pie was edible but nothing special, certainly not worth the time it took to make. But you don’t know until you try.
    It has been lovely all day but the puddles are taking a while to go away.
    Think it should be Mike if he is in the bottom two.
