Friday 25 October 2019

A wet day, the puddle is back!

Pandora has taken to my round cushion that looks like a log. Two pics of her one taken on the phone and one with the camera.

I haven’t done any more embroidery as having Pandora around isn’t conducive to sewing! 
I got a spider decoration at Poundstretcher yesterday, have hung it on the wall out of harms way.
I went to the Living Well Tech surgery this morning. She explained about ICE and how to get information about an emergency contact that shows on the screen of the phone without needing to turn it on. Have done that now so learnt something useful today.
It has rained most of the afternoon, heavy rain too. I did go out in it for a bit as I realised that Pandora needs more toys to help her use some of her boundless energy. At the moment she is an indoor cat so doesn’t go out to run about and tire herself.
We haven’t had this level of rain since the drive was levelled off a bit and re-gravelled but today the pool is back, although probably not as bad as it used to be.
The rain is due to keep going for a good while yet, a snuggle up in a blanket and watch tv evening I thInk.


  1. She does look comfy, and definitely at home. Plus the cuteness too. It’s not going to do your crafting much good having a helping paw!
    The spider is very you, and a perfect target for an inquisitive cat! I hope it’s hanging a lot higher than she can jump ๐Ÿ˜Š Hopefully she'll be more interested more in the toy you go soaking wet to get for her. You are soft ๐Ÿ˜Š
    The puddle isn't as bad as I remember it being, but it's still a pain. We have had some heavy rain though. It's supposed to be worse over the weekend so you might have a lake by Monday!

  2. No the puddle isn’t as bad, but it is still raining!
    Pandora has done quite a lot of playing today so will hopefully be tired tonight.
