Friday 4 October 2019

A crazy day with a sad ending.

This morning when I got up the tv wouldn’t come on again, it has been playing up lately, but then we realised that half the electric in the house was out. No boiler, internet , cooker, and some lights were out, it seemed quite strange. Tina phoned the electrician before she went to church and left a message and left her phone with me so that I could take any calls. 
When she went I come upstairs to make myself a coffee. I like cream in coffee and have often thought that one day I would drop it on the carpet, today was that day! Cream all over the carpet and making its way under the fridge as well! There isn’t a lot of space and I have trouble kneeling, but hopefully I managed to mop most of it up and have scrubbed it as well. Had to move the fridge as well.
Getting on for eleven the electrician phoned, asked some questions and said he probably couldn’t get anybody out today, did I think I could manage to follow his instructions and see if we could find the fault! I had to get the steps and firstly he had to establish what system it was and the fuse box is quite high. Spent the next half an hour going up and down and turning things on and off! We established that the fault was in the garage, when he said he had other jobs to sort and would phone back in an hour, in the meantime could I try by trial and error to find the actual fault. He also asked if I’d like a job!! I did isolate the fault, an outside lamp that had probably got wet in the night.
Before that I had been framing some more photos and then got them hung up, that was good!

Tina and I both went to the Living Well annual meeting which went quite well.
Tina had to go to church this afternoon and someone came to the door to ask if we had a black and white cat. Sadly, Charlie had been hit and killed, someone had lifted him into our garden. I left a message for Tina and carried him down to the house. We have buried him now and are feeling quite sad this evening.


  1. Quite a day altogether. Not a great start with the cream, but I have to admit it made me smile. No doubt I’ll get my come uppance another day! I was very impressed with your electrical fault finding skills. Money saving too as electricians aren’t cheap! I’m sure your legs will ache after all the up and down steps though.
    The pics looks great. So nice to have them printed and framed rather than sat on the computer. I can still see a few more blank spots on the walls that need to be filled 😊
    Really sad news about Charlie. You’ll miss him ☹️

  2. A busy day some good, some not so good.
    Pleased to have used the frames I have bought at the boot sale, nice when you get around to jobs like that!
    We will miss Charlie. :-(
