Thursday 3 October 2019

A good day

Today has been a good one apart from the knee pain which is still a bit of a bother, but not enough to spoil the day. I will start with the things I said I would post, the third covered box and the butterfly migration jigsaw.

The next three phots were sent to me by Lunny, who walks to the front most mornings. Must get myself down there more often!

Tina spotted that the small sunflower near the giant had opened, it is a pretty lemon colour and has two or three other buds.
Then I headed off to the watercolour class on trees and grasses. It was brilliant, Pam demonstrated different techniques and had us practice and eventually we had a go at a picture. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the one on reflections.

When I got home Tina and I went out for a late lunch. We had a jacket potato at Mr. Moo’s and then went to Eastfield garden centre where we had coffee and cake! I bought some peanuts for the birds and a most ridiculous sound activated bird in a plastic cage! Tina and I struggle to assemble it and it doesn’t move like the one in the shop, but the singing makes me smile.....for now! When I start setting it off when I am watching an exciting scene on the tv I may go off it. I also took a picture of a sign as I think I will paint one and put it on a post in the front bed in the garden. Hopefully the people who have nothing better to do than say the weeds are a disgrace will read it!

Off to watch a film with Sarah and David in a bit, nice way to round off a good day.


  1. The box looks lovely but the jigsaw looks pretty hard. If it were me I’d stick to boxes 😊
    Nice sunrise pics. You should definitely get down there for a few of those.
    Really like the drawings. You wouldn’t believe how envious it makes me feel when I see things like that. It really is a talent I’d like to have.
    Having now heard the sound the bird makes, I give it a week at most before you turn it off 😊
    Hope your film evening was good.

  2. The film was pretty good, the tv doesn’t set the bird off, so all is well with the world, despite getting old and decrepit that is!
    Really enjoyed the watercolour workshop, will make the effort to practice some more to remember the techniques.
    Don’t think there will be a visible sunrise in the morning, rain is due and plenty of it!
