Tuesday 29 October 2019

Cat stand off sea and Atwick church

This morning all was quiet for a while and then Blue decided to chase Pandora round the house, a spat upstairs and another in the kitchen and then they were about a yard apart motionless, Pandora spitting and growling and Blue looking aloof! They kept it up for a good few minutes and then Blue wandered away and went out! No lumps of fur but obviously upstairs they had been in my sitting room as the jigsaw on the floor had bits scattered everywhere, cannot find one piece!
I went out for a walk when Blue had gone out, took myself down to the front and had a cup of hot chocolate. Very lovely morning and not as cold today.

As I walked along the sea wall I could see that some sort of work was being done on the beach.
This afternoon Tina had to go to Atwick church to check some details so I had a ride along. Not stained glass windows but still effective with the light.

One of the outside and one of a horse in a nearby field!

Took one of the clouds before we drove home.
This afternoon I have actually got around to listing a few things on eBay so fingers crossed I get some bids.
Will finish today with a picture sent to me by a friend of some lovely autumn colours.


  1. I like the pic of them peeping around the bucket in their standoff 😊 No fur is a good result, but the jigsaw isn’t so good. Hope you find the piece. Could have been worse I suppose, it could have been china pieces you were picking up!
    Great selection of pics tonight. You do manage to get varied days with lots of photo opportunities. Considering that church is modern...ish and doesn’t have stained glass, it’s still a nice looking place. Quite like the plain light streaming through against the dark walls.
    When I scrolled down to the bottom and saw the autumn trees I was amazed you’d found such varied colours. Then I read it. Should have know they were too colourful for this country 😊

  2. I think the autumn picture was here but don’t know where, Lunny usually posts pictures she has taken.
    Atwick church is quite unusual in design, I really like it, Tina’s three churches are all very different.
    I am sure I will find the piece of the jigsaw eventually!

  3. That’s a surprise. I thought it was from over the pond. Very nice though.
