Wednesday 30 October 2019

Just sea and sky

I was helping at the monthly Living Well lunch this morning, cooking the meal for over thirty with June and then being a ‘table host’ as well. I was pretty tired by the time I had walked home, calling in at the shop on the way home. Kept Pandora company for a while and put my feet up. Tina went off pumpkin carving, she was helped by Steve so when I went to see how they were getting on they were finished and she was on her way home. I had rest d to went off for a walk to the post office and then onto the sea. One shot on the way down.
After sending off a package and getting some stamps I went up to the sea front. Had a cup of hot chocolate and took the rest of today’s pictures.

Not planning to do much this evening, maybe some tidying! Watercolour workshop tomorrow, reflections this time.


  1. Two of you cooking for thirty’re mad! You certainly do your bit for the community 😊 I’m not at all surprised you were tired by the time you got home! Not sure I’d have even considered pumpkin carving after that. You certainly don’t like to be idle!
    The walk to the sea is always worth while, specially as it includes hot chocolate. Great pics too. I really like the silhouettes. The third from last is my favourite of the bunch tonight.
    Skip the tidying, watch telly and loll around for a change 😊

  2. Two people in their seventies cooking for thirty as well! It was a reasonably straight forward meal today.
    I like it when phots into the sun become like silhouettes.
    Watching a program about the Victorians at the moment!
