Wednesday 16 October 2019

Buddy in Bridlington!

Only two pics today and the first one was through the window and is slightly out of focus! Must do better.....
Tina bought me a present yesterday, some Halloween window stickers! Mostly because of the spider, but they are fun and I have them up. The dream catcher was given to me a year or more ago by a friends little girl it was painted but all the colour is bleached out now!
I went to Bridlington with Sarah and David, we left before eleven and had drinks and lunch at the Spa before seeing the show ‘Buddy’. It was very good lots of songs that we knew and interesting to follow the story of his sadly short career.
I am at the doctors tomorrow, was going to see about getting the knees sorted but am having more trouble with the hands at the moment. The appointment has been cancelled twice, but hopefully I will get there in the morning.
Then I am at a watercolour workshop concentrating on beaches and cliffs. It was fully booked but this week the instructor mailed me to say she had a cancellation.
Hopefully I will take a few more photos tomorrow.


  1. I actually quite like the first pic. It looks a bit like a watercolour where the paint has spread. Quite funky.
    Won’t be long until Halloween now. Will you have a bowl of sweeties in the hallway ready for the hoards of little monsters?
    Pleased you enjoyed your trip out for a bit of bopping. No wonder the knees give you grief, it’s all that dancing in the aisles! 😊 Seriously though, I really hope the doc has a few tricks up his sleeve to help you out.......assuming he’s not off sick again 😊
    Enjoy your class tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the results.

  2. The Trick or Treaters don’t seem to call here, we turn the lights out anyway!
    A good show with good musicians so worth seeing, apparently been gong for about thirty years now!
    Fingers crossed I get to see a doctor and it is helpful!
