Friday 18 October 2019

New family member?

Yesterday evening a new member of the household arrived. No pictures as yet, her first twenty four hours here have been quite an adventure! She was in the laundry room tucked in behind the freezer! Very nervous and no intention of coming anywhere near us. This morning she had disappeared and neither Tina or me could see any trace of her! We were both out this morning and at lunchtime we searched again. She had managed to get through a missing piece of boarding at the bottom of one of the cupboards and had been there over night and half the day! But, she had no intention of coming out and was about four feet along the cupboards which were still boarded. In the end we had to remove the boards and still struggled to bring her out. But eventually she was in the cat box and is now in the spare bedroom. Once she was in that room she was like a different cat, let us stroke her and explored quite happily. Then she disappeared under the bed, probably exhausted from the experience of the move so far! We are not out of the wood yet as when she and Blue caught sight of each other, they both spat!! The new cat is a black tortie and her name is Pandora and maybe a picture tomorrow.
This morning when I was out feeding the birds there was a fabulous group of fungi on the back lawn, took shots from two directions.

I went to the Living Well meeting this morning, we had a lady talking about the benefits of massage, she was very interesting and informative.
This afternoon Tina and I were both feeling in need of a break so we had a quick trip to Mappleton. The sea looked good and we had a drink at the cafe there.

I should finish off with an update on the painful hand situation. The splints felt a little strange last night but the did help with the pain control andI slept on the bed with no real problems. The fingers were still a bit numb and tingly but that was quite manageable, so maybe that problem is sorted for the time being.


  1. Glad you eventually mentioned the new member was a cat. I had visions of a long lost aunt being manhandled and mistreated! 😊 Sounds like there may be a few cat fights to contend with in the future. The fungi is a real funky shape. It’s amazing stuff really. It grows so quickly and had great shapes and colours.......and kills you if you’re not careful!
    The first pic of Mappleton is a cracker! I really like everything about it. The second one is pretty good too. I like the distant wind farm and the shadow of the fencing. I know I’m an artsy fartsy waffler, but I don’t care 😊
    Really pleased to hear the splints did the trick. Enjoy a nice comfy bed again tonight.

  2. Fingers crossed the splints keep working for a while, a good start so that’s positive. It is amazing how much fungi is appearing, it has been very wet recently.
    It is lovely at Mappleton. Pretty good cafe too!
    Hopefully Blue and Pandora will get used to each other in time.
