Monday 28 October 2019

Getting comfy and a walk in the rain

Pandora is a scratcher and as she is an upstairs cat for now I decided to sort out some material to make covers to protect my chairs. Found a couple of curtains that I had bought in a sale bin, thinking I would do something with them some time. Often do that sort of thing and have them in boxes forever! Anyway, they went over the chairs and it had the bonus effect of making Pandora seem more settled than she has until now.

After lunch and after Tina had done everything’s no she needed to do out and about I went out for a walk, even though by then it was raining pretty heavily. Both cats were in so that is why we staggered our going out! I walked up to Freeport, very pleased that I had my new rain jacket. The naff nativity is back, but not lit up with the carols yet!
I had a nice hot chocolate drink and then started on my way home, walking again. Polly’s Path wasn’t too bad on the way there but had gone back to being Polly’s pond on the way back! Took a few pics on the way home, you could see that the weather was changing in the distance. Another one of a tree as well.

Managed to get one more shot of the changing sky, I did try and go along the path towards the mere but this was the best I could manage!
I haven’t walked to and from Freeport in quite a while so have had a better step total today than I have had in a few weeks. Went down to see Sarah for a while this evening, back home and Pandora is curled  on the chair again!


  1. She looks a very happy cat in that chair. Certainly comfortable and at home. Looks like you have a feline companion. Quite like those curtains.
    A walk in the rain is good sometimes, specially when you’ve got a good waterproof coat. There’s just something nice about walking in the rain but being dry at the same time. I used to really enjoy it when I used to walk more.
    The nativity REALLY is naff. It brought a smile to my face when I saw the pic. Bet you can’t wait to see it in it’s full glory again? 😊
    I quite like all the gloomy atmospheric pics you took on the way back. My favourite though is the cemetery. The trees across the top and the gravestones make a great pic. Or I’m a bit weird, one or the other 😊

  2. I was pleased to manage the walk both ways without too much trouble, I was quite pleased with the photos, looks much later that it was as I was back indoors berpfore five.
    Pandora doesn’t settle for long spells yet, goes to investigate any unusual sounds and also jumps down if I go out of the room, but I am sure she will begging to stay put for longer eventually.
