Thursday 10 October 2019

Another day another smile!

This morning the Ringtons man was due to call. I have been wanting a little sweet tin, in the shape of a van, but although it is really cute it was the contents I was anxious to get. I will put the pictures but haven’t put the jelly babies in as everybody knows what they are. The other packet apparently has upset some people but not me, think they are hilarious, taste good too so won’t last long!

The bag split when I was getting them out so had to eat some! It doesn’t take a lot to amuse me and these really did.
This morning I went into the front garden, I needed to clear a path to the garden bin, well, two paths really as I have been getting caught up in the brambles and weeds and have nearly gone over a couple of times.

I also wanted to move that thistle type plant near the entrance of the garden as it was swamping my tamarix tree. Not a brilliant job but at least I will b able to get to the garden bin relatively safely now.

I came in to have a bit of lunch and a certain grey cat decided to sit on me for a bit, much to Tina’s chagrin!
I w not into the back garden this afternoon and did some clearing and planting. I have never tended to the area where the lavenders are and quite a few foxgloves had self planted at the front of the bed, too near the lawn. I lifted those and moved them behind the lavender and planted the rest of the pansies in front. It was quite wild and weedy so looking a bit better now,
Tina and I are going to Holy Trinity church in Hull later tonight to see a Sistine Chapel exhibit. Should be good, not sure if I will be able to take pics but if I can will post some tomorrow.


  1. I like the Ringtons tin, and the jelly babies, but not sure why they would upset some people. I can’t quite make out the close up one. Maybe just me being thick. Fancy having to force yourself to eat some. You are a martyr 😊
    Looks like it was a pleasant day up north and you got a fair bit done in the garden. It is a constant task though. There’s a lot to be said for block paving 😊 It does look nice though, so when you’re sitting in the chair knackered, eating jelly babies with a cat on your lap you can feel satisfied you’ve done a good job.
    Hope you enjoy your evening trip out.

  2. It wasn’t the jelly babies that caused waves it was the jellyatrics! Very silly, but very funny.
    Feeling like this autumn I will be getting the garden tidy and ready for spring. Slow progress but definitely progress.
    Fingers crossed it is good this evening, we are not due to go in until nine o clock!

  3. Yes I can see it now. If I’d have read the label on the packet I’d have realised. Think I’m getting a bit jellyatric myself 😊
