Thursday 24 October 2019

It’s a cats life!

Not been taking pics today, except for a selfie later on after I had an impromptu hair cut.
Yesterday evening Pandora decided the back of my chair was the best resting place! It is not a solid back so the cushion comes forward and it does seem a little precarious!
Blue has never been a lap cat, a couple of minutes maybe. Yesterday evening she claimed Tina’s lap until she went to bed!
A couple of pictures of blue on the back of the chair while I was sitting in it. Quite funny when she decided to wash!

This morning I caught the bus up to Freeport, needed some bits from the Poundstretcher shop and as Darren and Tina are away for a couple of days I decided to have lunch up there. I took the trolley and then walked home, I managed to miss the rain which was good. I passed Blades, my hairdresser and popped in as felt it was time to go a bit shorter and get my hair thinned out again. Carol was able to do it straightaway and had plenty to tell me about the troubles she had on her recent holiday. Pleased with the result as always.
Have been getting a few chores done this afternoon and writing letters and getting them posted.
The Living Well meeting tomorrow, it is a tech surgery which I am not too bothered about, but I will help with drinks and clearing away.


  1. That really is a precarious place to lay! All the places she could use and she decides on there. She just wants to be close to you. It’s extremely cute though and you can’t help but smile when you look at the pics, so it must be even harder in person. I imagine the Rev was more than happy to have a lap cat for an evening. As you say it doesn’t often happen. Maybe the way of things to come.
    Sounds like you had a nice morning out. It’s always nice to eat out as well. It always tastes so much nicer when someone else does the washing up 😊
    Your hair looks nice. They always do a good job for you, and like most hairdressers they love to chat while they cut.

  2. Been quite a pleasant day, nothing too strenuous but should make my 10.000 steps by the time I go to bed!
    Carol and Sal are a really nice friendly couple, so haircuts are always enjoyable, even if they are both cutting my hair at the same time!
