Sunday 20 October 2019

Pandora, bargains and sea!

This morning Darren and I went along to the boot sale. It was cold and wet but there were a few stalls. We enjoyed our usual breakfast and had a look round the few stalls that hadn’t given up! I got a super jug for £2 and a brilliant ‘table dustpan and brush’ and a mug for 50p each!

Back indoors Pandora was busy exploring, we still have the cats dislike for each other to deal with, but Blue has been out a lot of the day so all has been quiet.

I had seen an advert for a craft fair at the Floral Hall today, so despite the miserable weather I took a walk along there. It was cold and wet and the sea was pretty rough too.

Dogs were interested too!

Quite wintry looking today and it was pretty cold too.
I had a look around the craft stalls, not a lot today, maybe only a dozen. I had a big pack of envelopes for a pound and a couple of other small bits. The weather was brighter when I came out, so some more sea pictures. There was a greenish tint in the first one, but don’t think is shows too much in the photo.

The last two are quite atmospheric I think!

Have started doing some of the embroidery to the Peter Rabbit quilt square. Was somewhat distracted by an interested cat who wanted some attention, but have made a start. Strictly results show later.


  1. I like your vase. A bargain for that price. The table dustpan and brush is something I’ve not seen for years. Perfect for a vicarage though 😊
    Pandora does look cute, and very inquisitive. She looks like an ornament sat on the step unit.
    Sounds like you’ve kept quite busy with your two trips out. It does look very chilly by the sea. Makes for very nice pics though.
    Who’s going in Strictly?

  2. Yes, quite a good day despite the weather. Good bargains too.
    Some quite dramatic sea pics tonight. Into the sun makes for good shadows and makes them appear monochrome.
    Think it should be David if he is in the bottom two.
