Friday 11 October 2019

Wow, wonderful Michelangelo exhibit at Hull Minster.

Late yesterday evening Tina and I set off to Hull to go and see the Sistine Chapel paintings at Hull Minster. A miserable evening but we were in for a treat! It was ticket only entry and not too many people there last night so we were allowed in a little before our allocated time. Lots of paintings by several different artists and styles. All stunning and hard to choose which to put on the blog. I was happy that photography was allowed. Near the beginning there was a portrait of Michelangelo, I didn’t make a note of the artist so apologies for that.
The next few paintings I took pictures of the details as well so they are self explanatory.

The next painting was one that I was really taken with, Jeremiah but such expression.
I will post the details and then move on to the main event!
Along the choir stall at at the alter were a series of paintings depicting the creation and then the huge Judgement by Michelangelo.
The creation of Adam followed by the creation of Eve.

Then The Judgement and some closer views.

Tina there, my personal guide who filled in all the details, no need for the audio guide! Then I had to take a picture of the scary looking devil!
We went for a second look and then this modern painting of hands was near the entrance as we were leaving.
One more photo of the church as we were leaving.
A fabulous hour spent there, so pleased that we went.
Today the weather has been pretty awful, I went to the Living Well meeting this morning which was well attended. I have been having a lot of trouble with my hands, more than the knees at the moment so have just pottered indoors this afternoon. The rain has stopped now so may get in the garden for a bit tomorrow.


  1. Well worth the trip out on a miserable evening. I can see why you struggled to pick ones for the blog. The ones on here are great, so choosing would be hard. I can’t even pick one of these as a favourite, they’re all good. Although I’m not artistic I do like to see good art in person, and I know I’d have enjoyed these. You were so lucky to have a personal guide in the Rev too. Nice to have relevant stuff picked out and explained. I hate the audio guides as they are so impersonal.
    Love the purple church at the end too.
    Not so sure no rain tomorrow is a good thing. Sounds like you should actually be avoiding digging and weeding etc! Potter indoors and take it easy.

  2. It was a great, it is here for a few weeks so you never know might get to look again.
    I think there may be more rain over the weekend which may curtail outside activity!
