Wednesday 2 October 2019

Jigsaws and craft

I am still having trouble with the knees, in fact knee and ankle and was up in the night finding supports for them! Did go to the shop for some bits for lunch but have pretty much been in since. I finished the garden shed jigsaw, that was a nice one to do and complete, which you are never certain of when you buy them second hand!
I started the butterfly migration one, a thousand pieces and the look of the edging presented the first challenge!
I have done the edges and started on the centre, will take a picture of that tomorrow.
I did have a wander round the garden, Rob had mowed the lawns today and done quite a lot of clearing. The sweet chestnut tree is full of fruits, so fingers crossed they will be edible.
The sunflower head is huge and the weight is bringing it down, the stalk is strong so it’s actual plant is still upright. I didn’t actually measure it but it must be well over a foot across!
Apart from jigsaws I have been decopatching some boxes and some photos arrived so have put six of the American pictures in a  multi frame.
I have started another box, should be finished tomorrow, although I am off to a watercolour class during the day. Looking forward to that, trees and bushes tomorrow I think.


  1. Seems you kept yourself pretty busy considering you have been out much today. The latest jigsaw looks lot of fun....not! I’d give up before I’d even got half way with the edges! You have the patience of a saint.
    Didn’t know you had a sweet chestnut in the garden. You’ll need an “open fire” to roast them in front of. The sunflower does look very weighty. They are amazing plants.
    Are the decoupage boxes for a particular use, or just something you fancied doing? Like the newly framed pic too. You can’t have much wall space left nowadays.

  2. I have kept occupied, which is good, lack of exercise not so good!
    The butterfly jigsaw is going to be challenging but I want to keep it as a picture when it is finished.
    No, the boxes are not for anything particular, I have had them for a while, maybe gift boxes to give or to take along to a boot sale if we do one.
    The picture isn’t up anywhere yet, but getting it done is the first step!
