Friday 13 September 2024

Yellow cauliflower

This morning I went to the banking hub again, saw one of the ladies who looks out for my earrings today so we had a laugh. Then I went to see Bel as usual, saw Terry who works at Countdown on the way and asked him if he could put a couple of the organic cauliflowers on one side for me, they had some purple and yellow ones when I went by the other day. He said he would put them in a bag behind the counter for me. I left Bels a bit earlier today as I was going to pick up some supplies with Tina for her trip to Zimbabwe. We collected them and then had lunch on the way back which was very nice,
I went straight over to Countdown when we got back, took a pic of an autumn crocus on the way.
He had put two yellow cauliflowers on one side as the purple ones had all sold. I wondered if they would remain yellow when cooked.
I helped Tina and Rosie fill pencil cases ready for Tina’s trip before walking to the front and Jeans house as a book I had ordered for her arrived today. I also had a new pair of barefoot shoes to try out! I was in some discomfort today but made it there and back. Obviously some sea pics.
Jean wasn’t in, it is her birthday and Terry was taking her out for a meal. I posted the book before heading home,
I cooked one of the cauliflowers nd had some for my tea, it did stay yellow and was rally tasty. I fed the cakes this evening as I will be getting ready to go for my first stint in the shop tomorrow.
Felt pretty tired when I got back from my walk so not int ding to do much tonight.


  1. Good job you have quite a few pairs of earrings. Should keep them amused for a while, and I’m sure you’ll add to your collection every now and then. Bet the kids in Zimbabwe will enjoy receiving the pencil cases and contents. Children in the country wouldn’t thank you for anything less than an iPhone or a games console! It does put things into perspective.
    The cauliflowers look really nice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any as yellow as that. Do they taste any different.
    Were you in more discomfort today because of the barefoot shoes, or was that just coincidence?
    The sea looks more summery at the moment. Don’t think I’d want to go in though!

  2. The cauliflower was different, but hard to explain how, I was surprised it kept its colour as we got some purple runner beans that were green when cooked.
    The legs were achey anyway yesterday and sadly are bad today, was hoping for improvement for my day in the shop.
