Friday 20 September 2024

Visit and parcel sending!

I did a bit of sorting indoors and dug put a jigsaw before going to see Bel. She was okay but is finding life a bit more of a struggle. She has a lady going to do a couple of hours cleaning for her next week so hope that turns out okay. 
I had forgotten my phone today and had a couple of messages when I got back which needed responses. Then I walked to the post office as I had a couple of packages to send. It was a bit long winded, I think the lady serving me was training, but all good in the end.
Have just pottered this afternoon as no visit from Jean. Have watered the bonsai trees this evening and taken in and unpacked the shopping, Tina is away andDarren had gone off to his club.
So, a couple of photos. I finished the jigsaw last night and I took a photo of a lorry parked across out entrance, it was there for bout fifteen minutes.
And a couple of crafty bits from four years ago!


  1. Plenty to keep you busy today then. No mention of slavery on the garden, which is good in some respects, but no doubt the weeds are loving it ☹️
    Have you had any updates about Jean?
    That’s a nice jigsaw and not as difficult as some you’ve tackled recently. It look like it might actually have been fun to do 🙂
    I remember you making the card in the last pic. Doesn’t seem like four years ago! Frightening!

  2. Jean is still in hospital but may be discharged tomorrow, fingers crossed. Terry sounds very weary.
    The jigsaw was fun to do, I really loved the illustration which helped.
