Tuesday 10 September 2024

Fairly active

The weather was miserable first thing but went out to start clearing the area next to the fairy garden as I was going to weed repellent there and use more of the chippings.
I got it cleared ready for the next stage before rain stopped play.
Decided to cut out the pieces for a small version of the stuffed Christmas tree. Sadly I cut four pieces okay and the other two are upside down!
I got myself some lunch as Tina was out for the day then I went back out into the garden. Had to get the chippings myself this time, but the area is done and now it continues round the bay, running next to the fairy garden.
Over near the front door there is a large stone that I painted to look like a house but it is hidden in the undergrowth, so that was the next job.
There it is!
Very large and heavy so I put it in the wheelbarrow after I had swept it down a bit. Now in the fairly garden.
Cleared the tools away and had a rest before getting dinner. Then went to visit Sarah and David this evening. Usually see then on a Monday but Sarah was getting her replacement hearing aids today and wanted me to change the day so that she could join in the conversation.
May write a couple of letters now.


  1. I do think the chippings look nice around the tree, specially with the various fairy houses on there, but it’s not the easiest of work. Do you think there will ever come a stage where you slow down and stop doing all these jobs? I can’t imagine you spending days crotcheting while relaxing in the garden 😂
    Will it really matter if two of the pieces on the small tree are upside down? It’ll make it even more unique, plus it’ll make it multi use if you want to stand it upside down!
    Glad Sarah could hear you tonight and join in 🙂

  2. I am sure the time will come, but will plod on while I can! Pottery day tomorrow so no humping stuff around…….
