Monday 2 September 2024

Storage for the beastie

I went along to the banking hub this morning and watched a bit of the early action at the Paralympics. I managed to tighten the rack on the new garden beastie and then went out into the garden to see if it would fit into the storage cupboard behind the greenhouse. I had planned to find a home for it and then perhaps go and do some weeding using it, but that was not to be. I managed to get the store doors open with difficulty as the grass and couch grass had been left for  couple of years to get thick! In the first pic I had used the strimmer to remove the surface grass, but it had become so thick Iwa in danger of cracking the doors trying to open and lose them.
So I got the spade and did some couch grass turf removal! That set my heart rate up and got me sweating……
Even shaped it into a reasonable semi circle! Just have to decide how to keep it like it and stop it getting like a muc bath when the rains hit!
The doors now open without getting stuck in the undergrowth. I actually didn’t feel inclined to do any weeding then, but looked in the greenhouse and decided the bind weed had been given too much time to take over the space!
Boy, does that stuff spread and take over! A bit tidier now!
I checked the house plants this afternoon, but back the asparagus fern and will probably break it up and see I can get it browning again. Topped up the soil in the ancient poinsettia, which had been going for six years now and has no intention of dying, and changed the water in the hydroponics plant.
Took the cuttings out to the garden bin and took a pic of this plant that also has bind weed issues!
I spotted this plant in another bed in the front garden. I had planted some from a tub that I had had for many years and thought it had died.
I went to visit Sarah and David this evening and the sky was pretty on the way back, so will end with some pics.


  1. Well the beastie looks good in its new home. A shame it involved so much effort getting it there! Seems like you have a lot of bindweed there, and a lot of trouble with it. Why do weeds always grow ten times faster than normal flowers and plants? Life isn’t fair, specially when it come to gardening! You’ve done a fair bit of work out there.
    The sky pics are lovely. I never tire of seeing skies like that.

  2. It was good to get storage sorted for rhe beastie as it is a bit big and too heavy to keep indoors.
    The bind weed has amazing roots that spread far and wide!
    Good to walk home with nice skies.
