Monday 16 September 2024

Quite a full day

To the post box early as Tina had a letter to go and then I phoned the surgery to see if I could get an appointment. I left my number for a call back as the queue was over thirty! Got an appointment for 11.20am when they rang. Walked down to the bank with Tina and then got some shopping on the way back. Tina said she would take me to the surgery, but we were in good time so she dropped me at the sea front. Took a couple of pics then made my way to the surgery.
I was in good time for my appointment but the doctor was running late so got into see home just before twelve. Haven’t seen him before and he was very good, listened to what I said and has prescribed a one a day pill that is supposed to be good at helping with chronic pain. He will see me again in about three weeks to see if it has helped, if not we will discuss what next and probably a referral to the surgeon who replaced my knee. But fingers crossed the new pill makes a difference. I walked home and had the prescription made up on the way. 
When Tina finished her meeting I took her for lunch prior to her being picked up for the journey to Manchester Airport. After I had waved her off I went out into the garden to carry on clearing near the tap. The brambles and thistles attacked me!
Had trouble getting some of the roots out but got as good as I was going to!
I went indoors aa I was cooking a large cottage pie, for dinner tonight and to make a couple of ready meals.  When Darren got in I asked him to help me move the rest of the stones to near where I was working. After dinner I went out to finish off. Not quite enough chipping but plenty to hold the weed suppressant in place for now!
Feeling quite weary now so a quiet evening as in the shop again tomorrow.


  1. Another busy..ish day for you. It always amazes me that you manage to get to see the doctor reasonably quickly. I’ve not been for quite a while, but I hear others moaning that they have to wait weeks for an appointment. He sounds like a very nice doctor. Hopefully the pill will help. Time will tell. You’ll get there one of these days 🙂 The seafront looks really inviting. Summery but no people. I’m sure it wasn’t as warm as it looks.
    I hope Tina has a good trip. I bet the weather will be nicer there than here! Don’t go spoiling Darren too much while you’re in sole charge of him 😂 Sounds like you’ve started already with the cottage pies! At least you made him work a bit by moving the chippings.
    Hope you get a decent night tonight in readiness for a bit more shopkeeping tomorrow.

  2. It was a lovely clear day by the sea, it was nice but a chill in the wind.
    I hope I get a decent night too, but not holding my breath.
    Tina arrived in good time at the airport, she is about to board now.
