Monday 9 September 2024

Big bag of chippings

This morningIwent to the banking hub and the shops. The ladies in the hub love my silly earrings ai I have to make sure they are unusual ones when I go there. Today I had snakes, we weren’t sure when the half ton of chippings would arrive so I made another batch of the healthy apricot slices as I have been having one for my breakfast. I went round to Botany Boutique as Sher had said she would have my instructions and keys ready, but she had gone to an appointment so I said I would call back later. I went out and mowed both front lawns as I have been putting it off. When I went to move the pots one had obviously been hit and turned round so that you didn’t notice it from the house. So annoying.
The man driving the very large crane lorry was very good, he backed down the drive without hitting anything, and it was tight.
A couple more because I found it interesting!
One large bag deposited.
I had moved most of the fairy garden stuff after I mowed the lawn. Tina shovelled the shines into the wheelbarrow and fetched it to be while I spread them around the fairly garden. We used about half the bag,
Tina had to go to a meeting so I took some chippings round to the back garden, a couple of small amounts, then I lined the area I had prepared in front of the store behind the greenhouse. The doors do still open.
I went round to see Sher again but she had to the up the instructions, she said she would bring them round. They go away on .Wednesday so hopefully keys and instructions will arrive! I brought a few chippings indoors and washed them as I am going to try hydroponics with the peace lily I bought. All done now so we will see how it goes.
Weary now, but a fair bet achieved today.


  1. You have been active today! Too active maybe? At least you had a bit of help moving the stones around. What are you going to do with the leftovers? The driver of the lorry did a good job backing in there. I know how tight the gate and drive is, not a great deal of room for manoeuvre. It’s a shame whoever hit the plant pot wasn’t as skilled as the lorry driver. It does look nice now you’ve laid it. Gardens are never ending! I hope the peace lily project goes well too.
    Hope the keys arrive ok 🤞

  2. The weed repellent stayed in place well, but it does look good now. Going to clear the area next to it round the bay tree and most of the chippings will go there.
    Fingers crossed for peace lily and keys!
