Monday 16 September 2024

Quite a full day

To the post box early as Tina had a letter to go and then I phoned the surgery to see if I could get an appointment. I left my number for a call back as the queue was over thirty! Got an appointment for 11.20am when they rang. Walked down to the bank with Tina and then got some shopping on the way back. Tina said she would take me to the surgery, but we were in good time so she dropped me at the sea front. Took a couple of pics then made my way to the surgery.
I was in good time for my appointment but the doctor was running late so got into see home just before twelve. Haven’t seen him before and he was very good, listened to what I said and has prescribed a one a day pill that is supposed to be good at helping with chronic pain. He will see me again in about three weeks to see if it has helped, if not we will discuss what next and probably a referral to the surgeon who replaced my knee. But fingers crossed the new pill makes a difference. I walked home and had the prescription made up on the way. 
When Tina finished her meeting I took her for lunch prior to her being picked up for the journey to Manchester Airport. After I had waved her off I went out into the garden to carry on clearing near the tap. The brambles and thistles attacked me!
Had trouble getting some of the roots out but got as good as I was going to!
I went indoors aa I was cooking a large cottage pie, for dinner tonight and to make a couple of ready meals.  When Darren got in I asked him to help me move the rest of the stones to near where I was working. After dinner I went out to finish off. Not quite enough chipping but plenty to hold the weed suppressant in place for now!
Feeling quite weary now so a quiet evening as in the shop again tomorrow.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Boot sale and thinking about gardening!

Darren took me to the boot sale this morning as usual, not quite so busy now and it was quite chilly today. We had a good wander round and bought a few bits. I got a small step stand for a pound, no photo but it will be useful next time I am I the shop as the bar stool type chair is no comfortable for me and it is that or nothing. The step will mean I can have my feet on it and be more comfortable. I also got a proper Stanley knife with five blades that Darren spotted as I was telling him I need one for cutting mounts the other day. Now to the photos, a brilliant mug which will make me smile when I am having a cuppa soup on the winter evenings and a sweet little bird. Also a most beautiful little hand made bag and just £2, so well made.
I was getting dinner for lunchtime today as Tina had an evening service. So I nipped to Botany to see the lass holding the fort today as I had forgotten something, then went to the shop before getting on in the kitchen. After dinner I thought I would get started on clearing the area in the tap on the front garden as I intend to use the rest of the chippings there. I cut down the thistles and was just starting to try and dig them out when the rain arrived, so not as much as I had intended for done!
I got a jigsaw out and made a start. This one is quite different as it is a watercolour so very subtle colours.
Watching a episode of Grace this evening. Really enjoyed the Strictly result show yesterday, so that’s the next few Saturday evenings sorted.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Day one as shopkeeper

This morning I went to get the lunch rolls as usual then got ready to go and open the shop. Got in okay, sorted the alarm and after a little while had everything up and running. I have a good set of instructions so should be able to sort most things out. The shop had been closed for a few days and quite a lot of the plants were in need of a drink and a bit of tender loving care! I did wear the brooch Tina got me that say The boos! Took a couple of selfies, as you do!
I got on with watering and removing dead leaves and had a few customers and managed to take the payments, so all good. I did do a quick sketch in a quiet spell.
Did get a couple of messages from Sher during the day, they have been travelling through France and arrived at their holiday home this afternoon. Looks like a fabulous place to stay for a bit.
It was the St Nicholas Horticultural and craft show today and we entered the tree. I got a third place!
Was pretty tired when I got home so haven’t done a great deal, and really enjoying the Strictly launch show now.

Friday 13 September 2024

Yellow cauliflower

This morning I went to the banking hub again, saw one of the ladies who looks out for my earrings today so we had a laugh. Then I went to see Bel as usual, saw Terry who works at Countdown on the way and asked him if he could put a couple of the organic cauliflowers on one side for me, they had some purple and yellow ones when I went by the other day. He said he would put them in a bag behind the counter for me. I left Bels a bit earlier today as I was going to pick up some supplies with Tina for her trip to Zimbabwe. We collected them and then had lunch on the way back which was very nice,
I went straight over to Countdown when we got back, took a pic of an autumn crocus on the way.
He had put two yellow cauliflowers on one side as the purple ones had all sold. I wondered if they would remain yellow when cooked.
I helped Tina and Rosie fill pencil cases ready for Tina’s trip before walking to the front and Jeans house as a book I had ordered for her arrived today. I also had a new pair of barefoot shoes to try out! I was in some discomfort today but made it there and back. Obviously some sea pics.
Jean wasn’t in, it is her birthday and Terry was taking her out for a meal. I posted the book before heading home,
I cooked one of the cauliflowers nd had some for my tea, it did stay yellow and was rally tasty. I fed the cakes this evening as I will be getting ready to go for my first stint in the shop tomorrow.
Felt pretty tired when I got back from my walk so not int ding to do much tonight.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Painting at a different pottery place

A fairly quiet morning, went to the banking hub, not one of the ladies that loves my earrings today, so can wear the same ones again next time! Helped with some household chores and did a couple of crosswords. We had a quick lunch and then set off to meet Rosie and Hattie at Skirlaugh garden centre where there is a craft area. In that area is a pottery painting section. Tina and Hattie painted mugs, Rosie a rabbit gonk and I did a design on a plate. It is quite well organised there and they had some different items to paint. I took a picture of my plate, I managed to get one side in shadow.
I took a couple of photos of Rosie and Hattie. The first one not quite in focus but such a happy shot will post it anyway.
We left Rosie and Hattie to finish and had a look round the antique centre, had a coffee, I bought some compost and we came home.
Quiet evening as I have been quite achey today.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Walking and pottery

An early walk to the post box, and then called in at the church to see Jean before walking up to Freeport. The knee was sore today but walking doesn’t seem to make it any worse. The studio was quiet today as the children re back at school. The little trinket dish I made a couple of weeks go at a clay session has been bisque fired and is now on the shelf for someone to buy and paint, hopefully!
There was a box of chipped and damaged items and Rob asked if I wanted to paint one of those as a sample. I chose a cup and saucer and hope it will be fun when it is fired.
I walked home a well today and called in at Tesco on the way back. Went to have lunch with Tina, Rosie and Hattie which was unexpected and very nice. Then went with Tina to Beverley as she wanted  to collect a ring and get her dollars to take to Zimbabwe. So a bit more walking, so not doing much this evening. It was hailing as we left for Beverley and some amazing skies, so will finish with a couple, the second one is out of focus but will add it anyway!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Fairly active

The weather was miserable first thing but went out to start clearing the area next to the fairy garden as I was going to weed repellent there and use more of the chippings.
I got it cleared ready for the next stage before rain stopped play.
Decided to cut out the pieces for a small version of the stuffed Christmas tree. Sadly I cut four pieces okay and the other two are upside down!
I got myself some lunch as Tina was out for the day then I went back out into the garden. Had to get the chippings myself this time, but the area is done and now it continues round the bay, running next to the fairy garden.
Over near the front door there is a large stone that I painted to look like a house but it is hidden in the undergrowth, so that was the next job.
There it is!
Very large and heavy so I put it in the wheelbarrow after I had swept it down a bit. Now in the fairly garden.
Cleared the tools away and had a rest before getting dinner. Then went to visit Sarah and David this evening. Usually see then on a Monday but Sarah was getting her replacement hearing aids today and wanted me to change the day so that she could join in the conversation.
May write a couple of letters now.

Monday 9 September 2024

Big bag of chippings

This morningIwent to the banking hub and the shops. The ladies in the hub love my silly earrings ai I have to make sure they are unusual ones when I go there. Today I had snakes, we weren’t sure when the half ton of chippings would arrive so I made another batch of the healthy apricot slices as I have been having one for my breakfast. I went round to Botany Boutique as Sher had said she would have my instructions and keys ready, but she had gone to an appointment so I said I would call back later. I went out and mowed both front lawns as I have been putting it off. When I went to move the pots one had obviously been hit and turned round so that you didn’t notice it from the house. So annoying.
The man driving the very large crane lorry was very good, he backed down the drive without hitting anything, and it was tight.
A couple more because I found it interesting!
One large bag deposited.
I had moved most of the fairy garden stuff after I mowed the lawn. Tina shovelled the shines into the wheelbarrow and fetched it to be while I spread them around the fairly garden. We used about half the bag,
Tina had to go to a meeting so I took some chippings round to the back garden, a couple of small amounts, then I lined the area I had prepared in front of the store behind the greenhouse. The doors do still open.
I went round to see Sher again but she had to the up the instructions, she said she would bring them round. They go away on .Wednesday so hopefully keys and instructions will arrive! I brought a few chippings indoors and washed them as I am going to try hydroponics with the peace lily I bought. All done now so we will see how it goes.
Weary now, but a fair bet achieved today.

Sunday 8 September 2024

No boot sale, but breakfast with Darren and sewing!

It was wet and miserable this morning, and Darren as going to Burton Constable again later in the morning, so we went and had breakfast at Mondo’s just down th road. I had cooked some damsons a couple of days ago so made a crumble this morning ready for later.
Darren went off and ai had lunch with Tina when she came in.
Yesterday I cut out sen material to make a large stuffed Christmas tree. Today I started by sewing the six pieces into three sections and turned them out and pressed them.
Then had to line them up and sew them together down the centre.
The stuffing took hours and used over a large bag of the filling! Then had to finish off the open edges at the bottom. Finished about six in time to get the dinner cooked as we were eating later this evening.
I assembled the new Gtec as Tina ordered it and the old one will go across to the church. The new one is a bit upgraded and it cleared up the sewing debris very well.
I did catch up with some tv while making the tree, so now watching the next episode of Grace.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Getting up to scratch

This morning I got some washing done early and went to the shop as usual and fed the cakes. Managed to catch up with Paralympic news before heading round to Botany Boutique for a bit more instruction. Not too bad and did take both card and cash payments. Went all around the shop again with Dave getting reminders about al the light switches etc. Sher called in and had bought me a badge to where when I am manning the shop!
It absolutely tipped down with rain for quite a while which hadn’t been forecast.
When I finished at the shop I went to Boyes to get some toy stuffing as I have a pattern and material to make a Christmas tree ornament that caught my eye. So got cutting out a bit this afternoon.
There was a wedding at the church this afternoon and it isn every day you have a really lovely vintage wedding car parked on your drive!
I bought a peace lily at Botany and did do a line drawing of it while watching the Paralympics. Finishes tomorrow 😢