Thursday 20 June 2024

Getting ready to try a trip

The nights ar getting any better so I managed to get a doctors appointment this morning, a trainee doctor with another observing, she was very thorough and listened to my concerns. I have some stronger medication in the hope that I can have some better nights and she has organised a blood test and will arrange mother X-ray. Walked back via the sea, did stop for a drink as I wasn’t feeling too good.
I started getting things sorted for the trip tomorrow. Tina’s friend who is not very well wA coming to Hornsea with a couple of friends and we met them for a bit of lunch. When I took some stuff up the garden bin I noticed some roses. The first picture was taken blind as it was quite high!
Finished packing then sat for a while.
I did go into the garden and planted a few left over plants into the sunflower bed, not that we actually have any sunflowers this year! Took a photo of this foxglove as I have never had one with so many flowering shoots.
I had a bath and now just taking it easy and hoping the medication may help.
Catching the bus just after seven in the morning,


  1. It’s good you can an appointment at your doctors quickly and not have to book three weeks in advance! With any luck the pills will kick in quickly for your trip south. I hope the X-ray prove useful when you’ve had it.
    The garden is looking good. With any luck the weeds won’t overtake everything else while you’re away.
    A very early start for you tomorrow. Hope the trip goes well.

  2. Up and dressed ready to go, so a good start. Fingers crossed the meds help!
