Sunday 30 June 2024

Boot sale and welcome to Rosie and Hattie

I was feeling a bit better this morning so m aged to get round the boot sale with Darren. Today was £5 day, but two bargains if slightly more expensive ones!  Nice sewing box in pretty good condition and a lovely little display cabinet which I will put my special small ornaments in, another photo when it is on place with items in.
Didn’t do much else before gong to the service to welcome Rosie, the new curate and her partner Hattie. A lovely service and most of the congregation came to the parish hall for refreshments afterwards. Rosie and Hattie are both Vegan so two cakes were made. I got the job of cutting the not vegan one after taking this nice picture of the cutting them.
I helped clear away and tidy the hall before coming home, so back to feet up now!


  1. I definitely like todays bargains. Slightly more expensive than usual, but worth it I think. The sewing box is very nice and looks in great condition. The display cabinet was a good bargain too. I’ll look forward to seeing it once it’s in position and full up. You’ve have some good bargains from the boot sales over the years.
    Rosie and Hattie look a nice couple. I hope they fit in with the locals. You’ll have to brush up on your vegan cooking 🙂

  2. I have got some great stuff from boot sales over the years and it is fun looking them.
    Luckily most shops have vegan options now, but may try a recipe or two!
