Sunday 2 June 2024

Boot sale and garden

I will start with the photo of Tina’s coasters s I forgot t add them yesterday.
We went to the boot sale, I got quite a few plants, a frame for the sweet peas and a hoodie. Will take a pic of the hoodie tomorrow. So quite a few plants to get in, will go out again this evening.
The frame was only a pound and when I got home added some strings as it was too gappy. Then I put the sweet peas in a plastic bag so that I could get the frame into the pot! Forgot to take one of them released, but actually they were a bit droopy so gave them a good drink.
I went out intending to carry on where I left off yesterday working round the flower beds, even took the before photo.
But I got sidetracked and decided to do something in the bed where the bird table is, not that you could see it was a bed as the weed and grass was about a foot tall. I strimmed to start with, then cut back brambles etc, and then strimmed again and tidied the edges. I won’t plant anything there but at least it looks tidy for when we have the open gardens day.
Really should have taken a before of that one! When I eventually went to the place I was going to work on I decided to dig out the three clumps of the giant snowdrops that were in there. More than yesterday! Did take. Pic this time, then I bagged them up ready to go out in a box again tomorrow for people to take if they want them.
A while ago I got some plastic chicken ornaments to go on the lawn, but becaus out lawn has so much moss you cannot get them in easily and they may break, so I have put them in a flower bed instead.
I got the bed tidied up, there was a lot of weed t the back which I cleared and will hopefully get a couple of larger plants to put in this week.
Tina go dinner as I was busy, which was nice. Doing the blog now then gong out aging for an hour to get some of the plants put into the beds. But intend to be indoors by nine to see The Piano.
Will finish with a great photo curtesy of Anya.


  1. The Rev’s coasters are really nice. I quite like the flowery one.
    Ore plants for the never ending garden! I hope the people who visit for the open garden day appreciate how much work you’ve put into it, and how many plants you’ve put in. The frame wasn’t bad for a quid. Should do the job nicely after the alterations.
    Again today you’ve done a fair bit out there. I think it’s looking really good. I hope you’re happy with the way it’s going. If nothing else you’re spreading giant snowdrop wide and far in the local area. In years to come you won’t be able to move in Hornsea for them 😀
    That’s a great pic from Anya. Do you know where she took it?

  2. Both front lawns done so far today, it is really quite warm when you are working. Tina’s coasters are good and she is really pleased with them.
    Haven’t checked to see if the latest lot of bulbs have gone yet, it is usually taken up so fingers crossed.
    I imagine Amya spotted the tree on a dog walk. Will try to find out!
