Saturday 8 June 2024

Flower festival and garden

Went with Darren to Skipsea flower festival this morning. The theme was Olympics and there were some imaginative entries. So lots of pics.
The had a kind of tombola where you won gold, silver or bronze prizes. I managed to win one of each. All garden related.
I went out and did some clearing, and digging this time as there was a lot of ground elder. I didn’t take a before but the dark loved olnt at the back could barely be made out because of the ground elder nd other weeds.
More digging and clearing over near the summer house, a before this time.
Planted the three new grasses there.
After Christmas I bought a lovely tree that was very reduced in price. I have had it by the greenhouse but as it was only in a red plastic flowerpot and it kept getting blown over. That worried me that it would get damaged so I repotted it into the ceramic pot I got at the boot sale a few weeks back.
The sweet peas are doing well and liking the frame!
The young robin joined me again but I won’t add another photo of him. I am sure her could be hand fed but as we have cats I am not going to try!
My legs haven’t been great today so although I did do a bit of hoeing I did not go out again after dinner.


  1. Some really nice flower displays there. Trust you to win things on the tombola, you’re very lucky on those 🙂
    Looks like you’ve been quite busy in the garden. I would say you’re getting there, but it’s just never ending! It’s looking great though. You definitely have a thing about rescuing Christmas trees 🙂
    Shame you can’t hold the robin, but as you say you can’t afford for it to get too complacent with the cats around!
    Hope it’s fine tomorrow so you get out booting.

  2. I do hope they get lots of people at the church, it is a small congregation but they have put such a lot of work into the flower festival. They encouraged people in the village community to make entries so trying to get people into the church as well as raising some money.
    The garden is indeed never ending, only a week left to worry about getting it looking its best now!
