Thursday 27 June 2024

Very quiet day

I have felt weary and achey, and today I decided I need to try taking it a bit more easy and see if that helps. I did a load of washing and then had a nice breakfast with Angela.
Sat and caught up with some tv I had missed and then went and visited Bel for a while as I won’t be seeing her tomorrow as I am having a blood test in the morning.
I have watered the walled garden and ignored the weeds that are filling the beds and appearing on the patio!
I haven taken any photos today but forgot to mention something yesterday. When I was at the pottery studio yesterday Rob was busy unloading a delivery and a lady comes with her niece for a birthday treat. Rob said I would set them up when they were ready to paint. I got the niece started nd then got on with my painting. They asked a few questions and then asked if I could help with a design for the plate. She liked cats so got some images up on my phone. Copied the one she liked. D when she had painted writ the cats name on for her to paint over. They appeared to be very happy when they left.
Still sitting around but hopefully won’t crash out in the chair like I did yesterday. I don’t feel quite so tired tonight,


  1. It'll do you good to slow down a bit and take life a bit, or even a lot easier! As I've said time and time again, you do way too much. I know you find it hard to ignore things that need doing, but just practice. You'll get there in the end 😂
    The plates looks lovely. I bet she was really pleased with the plate. Even more so once it's fired. Enjoy a restful evening.

  2. I have endeavoured to enjoy not worrying about how much exercise I am getting! It is a habit of a few years now.
