Monday 3 June 2024

Same old ……..

Will start with something different, the hoodie I bought yesterday. At the moment I am keeping a sort of diary in. Book called 100 Days of Happimess. I am over half way through now and endeavour to think of things that have made me smile or feel happy. You can usually find something on the roughest day!
Today has been more of the same really. I moved on to two beds that I have tidied umpteen times before, then the flower beds in the back garden will all have been done fairly recently so I should be able to go round with the hoe every couple of days and keep them from getting too overgrown. Well, that’s the theory.
I finished the first one before lunch. 

Tina was out to lunch so Darren and I thought we would go to Lyndsey’s. We were very disappointed and will not be going there again. They had decided it would not be table service anymore and the meals were sparse and not correct. Such a shame as it was a great little place when it was Lily’s. So we went and had coffee and cake at a cafe in town.
This afternoon I got on with the other bed, cut back a honeysuckle which has never been any good so a bit more work involved,
Had a bit of a rest before walking down to see Sarah and David for a while. I got home before eight and Tina had wanted me to go and try and cut the lawn at the new curates house. We took the hand mower and the strimmer but neither were man enough for the length of the grass!

We tried!
Took a picture of the sky from the car on the way home.
Enough exercise for today. Feet up and tv until bedtime!
Just remememered I mowed the front lawns this morning as well, took almost two hours!


  1. It should be reasonably easy to find a bit of good in each day that makes you smile, although I think I’d find it hard on some days ☹️ But I’m a miserable old git, and you’re not 🙂 I like the hoodie though.
    The fact that you’ve tidied the same bit of the garden umpteen times is the bit that puts me off gardening! It’s like flogging a dead horse! You have way more willpower than me, and alway have had 🙂 The two bed do look very nice after a considerable amount of TLC.
    I know how much you both used to like Lily’s. It’s a shame when new owners take over and immediately change things. Can’t see the point of buying a thriving business then doing that. You probably won’t be the only not bothering to go bag, so they might not be there long.
    The curates lawn does look a bit wild for normal garden tools. Think it might need a good power mower on there, unless you know someone with a scythe! Worth going out for the sky pic though.

  2. It would be good if I got to the point when nothing major needed doing so I could spend the time on maintenance, but I think that is a way off!
    I know that on open gardens day people will be itching to get in the vicarage garden to have a nose. So probably shouldn’t worry too much!
    We really were disappointed at the cafe as when it changed hands we met the new owner who said she wasn’t changing anything. Like you say, think they will lose a lot of custom.

  3. I think your attitude about happiness is what's keeping you so strong. Instead of moping and feeling sorry for yourself, you keep busy doing things you love to do.

  4. Thank you, I am in the habit of looking for things to smile about now.
