Tuesday 18 June 2024

Great evening trip

This morning I popped out a few times, early to catch the only post collection, then a bit later to go and get some salad stuff. Realised I had forgotten something so out to the shop again. I got two beautiful roses for a pound, had thought I may draw them but the day changed a bit.
This afternoon I actually sat on the swing and enjoyed the garden, read my book for a bit.
I got our usual tea and Tina asked if ai fancied a drive out this evening. She took me to Barton Upon Humber to the viewing point for the bridge but from the other side of the river. Lots of photos from a different angle.
That curve isn’t so obvious from the other side.
After that we drove to South Ferriby lock. The lock was actually under a road.
Then a nice drive home.
Pottery painting tomorrow.


  1. What a great day.
    The two roses were a good start, and actually sitting in the garden enjoying it made a change 🙂
    But the drive out must have topped your day nicely. I know how much you love the bridge. What really nice weather you had too. All of the pics are great, but you won’t be too surprised to know that my favourite of the bridge is the one with the black clouds and part of the bridge in silhouette. The lock was pretty nice too. A great way to end any evening.
    Have fun painting tomorrow.

  2. It was a pleasant day and the trip to see the bridge from the other side was great. Hopefully a day trip there at some point as the is a nature reserve and garden centre there too.
