Monday 10 June 2024


It rained over night and was very damp out this morning. Although I have plants to get into the garden it obviously was gong to be a messy job if ai tried it today. The patio at the back of the house is in a real state, not just with the weeds through the cracks but with general clutter. So armed with tools and brushes I set off to get on with the latest task. There was an old garden swing on there too but I took the pictures each way standing in front of it so bot obvious.
It proved to be much harder than hours of digging! Trying to get the roots out from the cracks means I can add aching arms to everything else now. I managed to get the metal swing upright and by the cupboard making a sort of screen for the garden tap. Hopefully not too many weeds will manage to grow again before Sunday!
On a different note I went to visit Sarah and David this evening and they know I like hats, so have a collection waiting for me. So will finish with some silly pics!


  1. Oh my, you have been busy. You must be worn out and running out of limbs that don’t ache! It looks a bit different though after your hard work. You must be reaching a stage now where you’re almost ready for Sunday. I hope lots turn up to admire all your hard work.
    I’ve got a hat like the bottom one. They’re great for keeping your ears warm in the winter. Perfect for boot sales……if you remember to take it 🙂

  2. Getting there with the garden, it will probably tip down with rain all day on Sunday and nobody will venture out!
    You can’t have too many hats, and always some for sale at the boot sale if I forget to wear one!🤣
