Sunday 16 June 2024

Open garden day

The weather forecast was good for the morning and the rain from about one. In the end it went very dark a few times but the rain didn’t materialise. The people had paid five pound for their maps to find the gardens but we were also given a collection jar, not a lot on ours.
Quite a lot of visitors throughout the day.
Lots of positive comments and no negative ones, so hopefully not just being kind. One lady noticed a dead branch hanging by a thread on a park tree that overhangs our garden. She was worried it would crush my plants but I wouldn’t be too happy if it fell on me!
Tina had been in the garden with me after church with Darren providing teas. As no one felt like cooking Darren went and got fish and chips. It was a nice evening so Tina suggested a drive out and this time with the plan to find Nunkeeling Priory which we didn’t find on a previous drive. Straight there this time and a lovely little ruin, should have had the sketch book! Lovely views from the windows like natural stained glass!
To finish off she drove to a spot to park up and see the sea.
Surprisingly tiring talking to the visitors and being outside all day so nice relaxing evening after that nice trip out.


  1. I’m really pleased it all went well and the weather cooperated. I can’t imagine anyone would be able to find anything to complain about after all the effort you put into it. I bet you’re relieved it’s all over, for this year at least!
    It’s great that you got out too. I think Nunkeeling Priory is really nice. A great photographer place, and as you say it’d be ideal for sketching too. I foresee another trip there in the future.
    A nice spot by the sea was a nice way to end the day.
    Hope you sleep well tonight.

  2. Pretty good day and a lot of time in the garden but not working on it!
    Fab ride out as well, I really like ruins!
