Saturday 22 June 2024

A lovely day

Not a great night, but I did take those pics in the early hours!
Skip dropped me off in town and I had a bit of a wander before meeting Rose for lunch. I walked to the end of Cowgate as I had noticed  fantastic wall painting on the drive into the city,
In Queensgate there wa probably the smallest carousel in the world!
Some more will art in Queensgate near the bus station.
Had a very enjoyable lunch with Rose! Lots of catching up and quite a lot of laughter, then she went off to meet a friend and I walked up to the care home to visit Margherita. We had a lovely afternoon and found plenty to chat about. She was in good spirits and seems very happy. I then walked back to the bus station, so plenty of steps today! I took a photo of this sign on the way as I do like clever names and signs.
I had a cuppa when I got off the bus before dong the last walk back to Rachel’s. I had changed bags before I went out and didn’t take my keys. The family were all at poppi’s birthday party so I couldn’t get in. Sat on the recycling bin (the small one!) and rI Ed for about forty minutes before they got home!
Have been in the hot tub this evening so quite hot nd bothered now!
Skip sent me this picture of some more great graffiti and a couple of pics from the birthday party.
Seeing the American branch of the family tomorrow.


  1. I’m glad you had such a good day. I was in town for a couple of hours around lunchtime too, shame I didn’t bump into you both. I even walked past Rico's. I’m guessing you probably went there 🙂
    I hadn’t noticed the painting at the end of Colgate, I don’t often get down there. I’ve seen all the others that are on here though. I’ve also noticed Capitol Letters a few times too and it made me smile.
    Enjoy another good day tomorrow.

  2. Worth walking to the end of Cowgate as that wall is stunning. Quite a few places closed down in Peterborough but a great artisan shop upstairs in Queensgate now.
    Weather looks set fair again today.
