Friday 7 June 2024

Evening drive end the day

An exciting way to end the day yesterday as I spotted two hedgehogs in the garden. It was getting to dusk when I went out and the hedgehog froze when it sensed my approach, so not a get pic but proof!
My sister in law sent me a picture this morning from her walk. Another great post box topper.
I got some washing out on the line before going round to see Bel. She was 92 on Monday and had gone out with her neighbours. 
I went to the shop before coming home, had lunch with Tina and then put some pansies into the tubs in the front garden before Jean came for a cuppa and chat.
Yesterday Tina gave me a couple of things she had sent for. A great note book and a tee shirt from Octopus Energy as she thought it was very me!
And I had sent for an apron to wear at the pottery studio. I don’t usually wear one but as I want to do more workshops I think I should have one,
Earlier this evening I got another plant out of its pot and got it into the garden. This tree has struggled in the pot for the last couple of years and it was very dry and packed tight, so hopefully it will flourish now S it is sun h an attractive plant.
A bit after 8pm Tina got in form a meeting and asked if I wanted to go out for a drive. She took a road we hadn’t been along before but very rural and we actually saw two hares, two pheasants and two rabbits! We stopped near some wind turbines as the sky was looking nice, but not dramatic.
The Tina drove to the sea at Skipsea. There are signs about the coastal erosion and although there is a caravan park there they have no access to the beach.
So a lovely way to finish the day. Soon be time for bed now!


  1. All in all a very nice day. It’s good you saw hedgehogs last night. I’ve not seen one for ages. Did you still have the hedgehog box in the garden?
    The postbox topper is great. I think the spitfire is brilliant and must have taken a lot of work.
    The book and the t shirt are definitely you 🙂 The apron is quite funky too. I agree, you should have one as it makes you look more official.
    Gardening and a trip out too. You do fit a lot into a day! I can’t think of many better ways to finish a day better than that view.

  2. It was a good day and still sandwiched in a bit of gardening! Bit of a shame for the holiday makers at Skipsea leisure park who can see the sea but not get down onto the beach.
    I agree, it is a great post box topper.
