Friday 21 June 2024

Travel day

I left home at seven to get to the bus stop. The bus didn’t unsettle my leg today which was a good start. First train was fine and I had about an hour in Doncaster. The second train set off okay but twenty minutes in we stopped , and that was the first of four stops! A freight train had broken down would of Peterborough and trains were backing up. We were kept fully informed and just had to sit it out. I took two pics in Frenchgate before catching the train and then a few at the stops when they were nice views.
Ended up being on the second train for two hours rather than fifty minutes! But have already been told I can get a refund and it has been agreed!
Skip came to the station to collect me and after a short chat with Rachel she went back to work and I had a short walk to Itter Park.
A visit from Poppi, Rachel’s first grandchild so will finish with two pics.


  1. A very early start and a very stretched out journey. I bet you were pleased when you finally arrived. Some nice pics on the way though, so not all was lost. Itter Park looks a bit empty considering what nice weather we’ve had today.
    Poppy looks very cute 😊
    Enjoy your time down this way.

  2. The travelling wasn’t too bad. Nothing we could do about the delays and no one on the train got worked up so could have been worse. Very relaxing in Itter Park , saw one other person with a dog!
    Poppi has just turned one and is a cutie.
